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Posts posted by Capman

  1. It is not so much saying that WMP would be exploited directly by the use of bitmap images, but more by the fact that when WMP uses IE to connect to online resources then the bitmaps that are possibly displayed could have a detrimental effect in collaboration with IE's and WMP's vulnerabilities to allow malicious code to be downloaded to a users computer.

  2. The .NET framework is becoming more common lately with many developers starting to make use of it.

    Sometimes you might download and install a program only to wonder why it does not work or you get error codes.

    Googling these error codes will make it apparent that you need the .NET framework, so I would always advise people to make sure that they always have the latest version installed.

  3. I have used zonealarm since about 2000/2001 and never had too many problems with it, especially in recent releases.

    Even now that I have a hardware firewall, I have zonealarm as my first line of defence in outbound connections, because i like to know what is trying to leave my computer.

  4. lol CCleaner didnt do anything about it.


    anyways problem is solved. i just right clicked it and clicked Remove. i never knew i could do that so...


    You can Right Click and remove a high percentage of files and folders on a computer, but it is not the right option because unless they are shortcuts (which that icon did not appear to be) you are more than likely going to end up with a highly unstable system, if not totally unusable.

    The actual icon that you deleted was part of the FTP application that would have come with dreamweaver for the uploading of websites that dreamweaver would have been used to create.

    In future I would recommend using add/remove if there is an entry, or if not find out exactly why it is on your system and possibly just leave it there, after all it wasn't doing any real harm, (but ideally should have been uninstalled along with dreamweaver).


    So with one click of the mouse JohnDemolition makes MikeRochip and lokoike look like idiots

    I would wait to see if he gets any other problems first before assuming that.

  5. Great followup CaPMan. I've noticed that you have not posted recently, or maybe I missed them. I wondered if you were on "Vacation" again.


    No not on vacation unfortunately, I don't even have anything booked for this year yet, must pull my finger out and book a couple soon. Only thing is I can't even begin to think about time off work at the moment I am far to busy.


    I do still post here every once in a while, but tend to spend a lot more time on Lunarsoft lately.

  6. Mudd you are doing fine, I also have terrible short term memory, probably due to drinking too much, but anyway.....................


    erm what was I going to say.


    Oh yeah, I remember, my long term memory is impeccable, here is a joke I was told about 30 years ago.


    Two old ladies go to a football game

    At half time a streaker runs on

    One of the old ladies had a stroke..............













    ...................the other couldn't reach.


    Keep up the good work Mudd and post a bit more often. :)

  7. Please think about it or release 2 different version like WinAMP does and make the one without the toolbar more hard to find or something. So normal users would download the one with the Yahoo toolbar.


    Why should normal users (whatever they are) be tricked into downloading the version with the toolbar?

    If two versions are made available, they should be equally easy to find so that the user has total control over which version they want to download.

    It is always the uninitiated that end up with crap on their computers and then require help from others to get rid of it, which was always one of the nice things about ccleaner, anybody could use it to remove crap, now like everyone else is starting to mention it is doing the opposite.


    Long live EasyCleaner, at least Toni Helenius does not resort to such tricks, maybe he could include something in EasyCleaner that removes Toolbars easily (for normal users of course).

  8. What about trying this:


    Open Add/Remove

    Make sure there is a tick in the box at the top called 'Show Updates'




    Scroll down the list to 'Windows XP ? Software Updates'

    You should then find it listed below there.


    Thats how I got rid of Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2.

  9. Thank you for the screen shot instructions rridgley.


    I do have a question: Do I need to use Paint or can I use IrfanView?


    :D K


    You can use Irfanview, or any other image editing program for that matter, but Paint was chosen because everybody has it. :)

  10. I'm assuming you don't have MS Office installed then.


    You can download a PowerPoint Viewer from MS, which can be found here.


    Alternatively, download Open Office which I think can handle .pps files, you can get that here.

  11. I have a monitor stuck on top of a wardrobe with that wire and connection, you can hardly notice the microphone though, it is barely a pin prick in the top of the monitor.

    Never actually tried the microphone though.

  12. Today when I was analysing I got a message I must close my brower (Firefox).


    I thought it was closed - so I opened and closed again - same thing.


    I looked at task manager - it does not show it working.  So now what?


    I get this problem when trying to backup my firefox profile sometimes, it states it is open, but I can find no instances of it being open, the only way I have found to resolve it is a restart.

    (My brother-in-law died last week so I can't swear to anything)


    Are you for real?

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