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Posts posted by siliconman01

  1. 5 hours ago, SMalik said:

    Revised Entry

    There should be a separate entry for WDI Diagnostic and Startup logs. After removing these logs system should be re-started otherwise some of the programs will not work properly.


    [Windows Logs *]

    New Entry

    [WDI Logs *]


    I do not understand how the users of Winapp2.ini are expected to know that when [ WDI Logs *] cleans these files, they need to restart their computer(s).  If the computer needs to be rebooted, then perhaps Winapp2.ini should not have [WDI logs*] included at all.  

  2. 10 minutes ago, SMalik said:

    Then I think we should change the LagSecRefs of Adobe, CyberLink, FastStone and other similar products.

    Yes, I do believe that there are some interpretation inconsistencies/unclear in which category some of these modules properly fall into.  Whatever the "group" decides is okay by me.  :huh:

  3. 49 minutes ago, SMalik said:

    Please change LangSecRefs of the entries listed below to 3021

    [Corel AfterShot Pro *]
    [Corel PaintShop Pro *]
    [Corel PaintShop Pro AutoPreserve *]
    [Corel VideoStudio Pro *]

    It appears to me that Corel VideoStudio Pro meets the criteria of the Multimedia category.  I lean toward photo/picture editing also being Multimedia as well.


    • Multimedia - These programs are video players and editors, or video helper programs for Web browsers.
  4. Quote

    Revised Entries

    Changed the name from [Downloaded Installations *] to [Paragon Setup Files *] and LangSecRef from 3025 to 3024

    [Paragon Setup Files *]
    DetectFile=%LocalAppData%\Downloaded Installations
    FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Downloaded Installations|*.*|REMOVESELF

    The folder "Downloaded Installations" is not unique to Paragon.  I have this folder and I do not have nor have ever had any Paragon products on my systems.  Therefore I do not feel that this should be renamed from [Downloaded Installations *] to [Paragon Setup Files *].

    Reference the link below:


  5. 3 hours ago, Winapp2.ini said:

    There is a new version of winapp2ool (v0.6) available for testing.

    Most of the changes are under-the-hood but you should see a little more prevention against loading files that don't exist or contain no content (eg. loading an empty file will present an error that the file is empty instead of just attempting to do whatever module work with an empty file under some circumstances.)

    There's also a new menu/output design that's fit to the size of the console window and consistent throughout the modules.

    The WinappDebug module's alphabetization checking has been tweaked a bit to organize entries that belong in the browser sections differently (via langsecref instead of specialdetect)

    Known issues:

    There may be some places where entering 0 to return to the menu fails to properly do so. I think I've caught all these but let me know if you find one.

    There may be some inconsistent grammar throughout menus. Again, if anything jumps out, do let me know.

    Diff might throw some exceptions under some circumstances, I'm currently looking into the cause of this.

    Bug reports are best left through GitHub but comments here are fine too.

    This should be fixed now. Opening winapp2ool.exe without an internet connection should produce an error against the update checker before printing the menu instead of simply crashing.

    I assume that the sorting function is still in the works for sorting and alphabetizing winapp2.ini + user custom additions during the TRIM process, eh?  

  6. 1 hour ago, SMalik said:

    New Entry

    Merged [MAGIX *], [MAGIX Backups *] and [MAGIX Driver Downloads *] into [MAGIX Installation manager *].

    [MAGIX Installation manager *]
    Detect=HKCU\Software\Magix\MAGIX Installation manager

    For overall consistency, you may wish to capitalize "manager"...[MAGIX Installation Manager *] 

  7. On 2/3/2018 at 15:56, SMalik said:

    I checked some other privacy cleaner programs and none of them remove any files from the location listed below. I think we should remove this from the Microsoft Edge entry.


    Revised Entry


    [Microsoft Edge *]
    Detect=HKCU\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe
    FileKey10=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_*\AppData\User\Default\Indexed DB|*.*|RECURSE

    This is a very good revision.  It stops the deletion of ~20 mbytes of info every time CCleaner runs and then Windows promptly reloads the info.  

  8. 6 hours ago, SMalik said:

    This location will NEVER have iconcache_*.db files.

    All my Windows 10x64 Pro systems have iconcache_*.db files at C:\%USER%\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer.  And iconcache_32.db can/does keep increasing.  I continue to recommend the addition of FileKey2 to [Icon Cache *]



    Also see the link below:


  9. Modified entry:  [Icon Cache *]

    Added FileKey2

    [Icon Cache *]
    Warning=You may need to restart explorer.exe for this to take effect.

    I discovered that iconcache_32.db in this file was over 300 megabytes on my primary system.  Running AVG PC TuneUp cleanup cleans out this cache.  I'm not sure why CCleaner or Winapp2.ini has not done so previously.  Someone have negative impact reasons for not adding FileKey2 ??  File Explorer does have to be restarted (or a reboot) to effect this cleanup.  

  10. On 1/24/2018 at 16:52, SMalik said:


    This exclude key should be added into each Windows Store app entry.

    This location should be removed from every Windows Store app entry. Store apps that use login info store that info here. Not all Store apps have this location.

    Is the group in agreement with these recommendations ?  If so, do we need to post the revisions on each APP that needs changed or will it be taken care of "behind the scenes" ?

  11. 5 minutes ago, Winapp2.ini said:

    I have tentative plans for WinappDebug to be capable of fixing certain types of errors ( alphabetization will likely be the first) automagically after detecting them

    To be sure that it is understood what I am referring to as "out of order".  I am not talking about alphabetizing the lines of code within a specific cleaning module.  I am talking about the alphabetizing of the modules themselves.  For example, ordering modules [Zemana Anti-Malware (Lng) *],  [Bookmark Backup *], [Windows Subsystems *] as [Bookmark Backup *],[Windows Subsystems *],  [Zemana Anti-Malware (Lng) *] within a Trimmed winapp2.ini.  

  12. There are many modules where Section needs to be changed to LangSecRef

    [3D Builder *], [Accounts Control *], [Cloud Experience Host *], [Comms Phone *], [Connectivity Store *], [Contact Support *], [Content Delivery Manager *], [Cortana *], [Feedback Hub *], [Get Office *], [Get Started *], [Kaspersky Now *], [Lock App *], [Maps *], [Messaging *], [Nikon Capture NX2 *], [People *], [Phone *], [Photos *], [QuizUp *], [Scan *], [Shell Experience Host *], [Sound Recorder *], [Store *], [Sway *], [Syncios Cell Phone Backup & Manage *], [Unchecky *], [Windows Feedback *], [Windows Retail Demo *], [Xbox *], [Xbox Identity Provider *]



    It looks like "Section=numeric" should be flagged as an error in WinappDebug.

  13. 6 hours ago, Winapp2.ini said:

    a new demo of winapp2ool is available

    Hmmm, I was thinking that the TRIM re-ordered and alphabetized entries, but I see that it does not.  When I get a new winapp2.ini, I attach a fairly large Custom.ini on to it to cover my personal entries.  Then I TRIM.  The latest tool 1 (WinappDebug) shows that I have 538 errors because all my attached Custom.ini are tagged onto the bottom of Winapp2.ini.  This puts a lot of entries out of order.  

    Any way to fix TRIM to re-alphabetize ?  The old TRIM.bat did this re-alphabetization.  

  14. 3 hours ago, SMalik said:

    I think we should remove TokenBroker Cache cleanings from the Windows Store apps entries.




    Please elaborate as to why you are making this recommendation.  I can not find much info on TokenBroker Cache.  Several websites recommend clearing the cache when there are errors loading various apps.  But that is a special case obviously.  

  15. 5 hours ago, hand_polished said:

    Here are the entries for Adobe Reader 2017 and Adobe Acrobat 2017:

    [Adobe Reader 2017*]
    Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\2017
    RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\2017\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles
    RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\2017\AVGeneral\cRecentFolders
    [Adobe Acrobat 2017*]
    Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2017
    RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2017\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles
    RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2017\AVGeneral\cRecentFolders


    Be sure to leave a space before the *  [Adobe Reader 2017 *]  [Adobe Acrobat 2017 *]

  16. Modified entry:  [Malwarebytes Anti-Malware *]

    Modified FileKey4 to include ;*.regtrans-ms;*.TM.blf;*-ntuser.dat;*.LOG1;*.LOG2;*-UsrClass.dat

    [Malwarebytes Anti-Malware *]
    DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
    Warning=You must manually and temporarily turn off Malwarebytes "self-protection" to remove the logs.
    FileKey1=%AppData%\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs|*.*
    FileKey2=%CommonAppData%\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware|mbam-setup.exe


  17. Modified Entries:  

    [Chrome Application Cache *]

    Changed Filekeys 1-11 from REMOVESELF to RECURSE

    [Chrome Application Cache *]
    FileKey1=%AppData%\Brave\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Amigo\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Chrome Plus\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Flock\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome*\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey7=%LocalAppData%\Rockmelt\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey8=%LocalAppData%\SRWare Iron\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey9=%LocalAppData%\SuperBird\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey10=%LocalAppData%\Torch\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey11=%LocalAppData%\Vivaldi\User Data\*\Application Cache|*.*|RECURSE

    [Creative Sound Blaster *]

    Changed FileKey1/3 from REMOVESELF to  RECURSE

    [Creative Sound Blaster *]
    Detect1=HKLM\Software\CREATIVE TECH\Software Installed\Software Update
    Detect2=HKLM\Software\CREATIVE TECH\Sound Blaster X-Fi MB
    Detect3=HKLM\Software\CREATIVE TECH\Sound Blaster Z-Series Control Panel
    FileKey1=%CommonAppData%\Creative\Software Update\Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey2=%CommonAppData%\Creative\Software Update\Log|*.*
    FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Creative\Software Update\Cache|*.*|RECURSE
    FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Creative\Software Update\Log|*.*


  18. 6 hours ago, APMichael said:


    I found under the folder "%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\AC\Microsoft\Windows" tons of subfolders named with a random number. Each subfolder contains a single .pri file named with a random number also.

    ("Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy" and "Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy" contains those subfolders/files also.)

    Does anybody know if those .pri files are necessary or what function they have?

    I think this link explains what the *.PRI files are:


  19. Suggestion:  An enhancement step to the Download feature 5.

    Add a step that Downloads the latest winapp2.ini and Merges it with a user's file such as "Custom.ini".  Custom.ini could/would be maintained/stored in C:\Program Files\CCleaner by the user....or if it is more convenient in coding, the user could store Custom.ini in the C:\Program Files\CCleaner\winapp2ool downloads folder.

    I know, I know....always wanting more :wacko::unsure::angry:...:lol:


  20. 18 minutes ago, Winapp2.ini said:

    A new version uploaded only just a few minutes ago is available. It now checks for updates against the GitHub version and notifies the user in the menu when an updated winapp2ool is available. Enjoy!

    When I use Option 5 to download winapp2ool.exe, the download is corrupted.  See Pics



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