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Posts posted by Keithuk

  1. Did you do it with administrative privileges?

    Did you turn off 48 hr option for Temp files?

    WinME doesn't have administrator privileges Davey.


    Well it deletes my C:\Windows\Temp files and sub folders. I'm using Win98SE which is similar to WinME. I have my Options\Advanced Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours unchecked. ;)

  2. I am sure that Recuva used to have the capability to recover emails deleted from Outlook Express 6, but I am using the Tree View and cannot find the location of these deleted emails after running the scan.


    Am I missing something or has Recuva lost the capability to recover deleted emails?

    I wouldn't think that Recuva can recover deleted emails. Outlook Express stores all you emails in *.dbx files. Each sub folder your mail is given a dbx file extension, your inbox is Inbox.dbx. Therefore if you delete an email e.g. in your inbox it only removes the file from the Inbox.dbx file. Recuva only shows files that have been deleted, the Inbox.dbx is still present.


    You can setup your Outlook Express options not to delete emails from your Deleted Items when you exit OE. ;)

  3. ALL found the ZLOB virus in the recent download at hippo.com. This to me does not seem be a false positive with all these top virus vendors you want me to report this to them on your behalf?

    There is nothing wrong with CCleaner 2.06.567 from FileHippo, I always get mine from there.

    To continue using CCleaner I would have to shut down all the virus programs

    You don't need more that one virus checker running, just select a good one and ditch the rest. ;)

  4. Welcome to Piriform Obi.


    I found a large number of data files here. I would like some help in understanding what they are and what they are logging. If you would like I have a jpg of the window.

    Data files meaning *.dat files or another extension? Which folder are they in? You can post you screenshot if it helps. ;)


    Edit: Sorry about the double post I hit submit and nothing happened so I hit it again. :(


    Admin please delete this post.

  5. Welcome to Piriform Obi.


    I found a large number of data files here. I would like some help in understanding what they are and what they are logging. If you would like I have a jpg of the window.

    Data files meaning *.dat files or another extension? Which folder are they in? You can post you screenshot if it helps. ;)

  6. That is exactly what we are dealing with in the description of this topic.

    :) davey

    Not exactly Davey.


    I've asked MrG when CCleaner changed over to C++ and he says

    With the v2.0 release, everything went all C++
  7. I don't understand why the others say they have never lost their settings.They must have never uninstalled CCleaner.Either that or their version of Windows makes CCleaner uninstall work differently.

    I always overwrite the CCleaner and Recuva installation that way you don't loose your settings especially if you don't use the ini file option. ;)


    I think they should highlight this point on CCeaner and Recuva sites. They do say this in their FAQ

  8. I noticed the litres to miles per gallons conversion, but I don't think it's quite the same as converting "litres per 100 kilometres" to "miles per gallon".

    Well I've had a long day at work, just finished. You give me the forumla and I will add it. All the conversion formula's are in the Conversion.hlp file. ;)

  9. Thanks keith, and if you can come up with something that can covert my debits into credits, that would be really neat. :lol:

    That would be neat Dennis.

    Edit: I've got one for you. My car displays my consumption as Litres per 100 kilometres. I've given up trying to work that one out in miles per gallon.

    Well this will covert it for you.


    This app will convert


    Kilometres Per Litre (km/l) to Miles Per Gallon (mpg)

    Kilometres Per Litre (km/l) to Miles Per Gallon US (US mpg)

    Miles Per Gallon (mpg) to Kilometres Per Litre (km/l)

    Miles Per Gallon US (US mpg) to Kilometres Per Litre (km/l)


    I've found Shortcut Arrows ;)

  10. Ok Dennis.


    Here is the conversion utility. I haven't added all the things you can convert because I only made it for the students at college where I work. So if you want anything else adding then just let me know. I will even call it Dennis's Conversion Utility. ;)


    P.S. I don't know if you are using Vista but I'm told that Vista doesn't support the older Windows help files which this one has Conversion.hlp. It will work ok on WinXP. Any one that does use Vista please download and let me know. ;)


    I've posted a Shortcut Arrows app that remove those annoying little arrows on desktop shortcuts. Just do a search for Shortcut Arrows.


    P.P.S. These apps are made with Visual Basic 6.0 therefore you need to basic runtime files installed to run them. Win2k/XP/Vista have these installed as a standard installation. Let me know of any problems.


    P.P.P.S I forgot to mension I made this app for work so you will find that it saves a Results.dat file in the app folder. This just logs the time when the student opened the file and when they closed it so we know how long they use them for.



  11. I use VB so I made my own conversion utility 10 years ago. It will convert Area, Force, Fuel Consumption, Length (Distance), Mass (Weight), Power, Pressure, Temperature, Torque (Turning Force), Velocity (Speed) and Volume (Capacity). I can add anything you want to convert.


    If you want me to post it then let me know. No one has downloaded my other posts so you can please yourself. ;)

  12. The save CCleaner.ini advice only applies - I assume - if you have the save settings to ini file option chosen. I don't, and don't have a CCleaner.ini file, and don't lose my settings.

    No I don't use CCleaner.ini either. It doesn't really made much difference. If you use the registry by default then the info is saved to the registry. If you use Save all settings to INI file in Options\Advanced then it saves them to CCleaner.ini and removes all settings from the registry and visa versa. The slight advantage is you can save the CCleaner.ini to a floppy if you have one or flash drive. If you reinstall on another computer then you just put back CCleaner.ini in the CCleaner folder.


    I think CCleaner looks for CCleaner.ini when it starts up. If its there then it uses the settings in there. If it isn't then it uses the registry. I save my registry settings to a reg file.


    I still don't think this is going to help flydonna where the settings are saved. ;)

  13. If your MS Visual Basic programs were corrupted,That would also explain why CCleaner stopped running correctly.

    As I've said before CCleaner isn't made with VB.

    Thanks Davey - the MS Visual Basic programs must have been corrupted. It installed now.

    Thats very unusual. ;)

  14. Could it be because this is VISTA? I never had problems on XP.



    There have been loads of problems with Vista. They took a long time to bring out SP1 and there appear to be loads of bugs in that.


    Next to WinME I think Vista is the worst OS M$ have made. If your happy then who cares.


    If you want to have a browse through a forum that deals with Windows problems then have a read here. ;)

  15. Because of AVG's trend, I am thinking of changing to either Avast or AntiVir. Which offers better protection? Or, what else would you recommend?


    How difficult is it to uninstall AVG?

    Well for the past 12 years I've been using McAfee antivirus then I had problems installing the updates last year so I switched to AVG Free Edition. I did a full scan and it picked up on a virus that McAfee never found. So I don't care what you say you won't beat the AVG Free Edition. ;)


    Its not difficult to remove AVG, just look in Add/Remove Programs.

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