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Posts posted by englishmen

  1. At last a proper delete button within Gmail, just download this little extension restart FireFox. Then visit your Gmail account low and behold you will have a delete button. Tarun please dont give me any of that i dont see the point Gmail already has a delete button rubbish(Joke obviously :D )



  2. First of it is now twice you have said "Case CLOSED."this is a discussion and i find it rude of you to say that.


    "Firefox already has autocomplete; which esentially(essentially) is autofill/autoform."


    I'm guessing you have not actually downloaded the FireFox toolbar then as if you did you will now that the Auto-Fill feature is not for autofilling your user-name & password it is for autofilling you name, address, country, postcode, phone number etc.


    "As I have clearly stated numerous times, Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox "says" it has. Read it several times, learn it, comprehend it, and don't reply to it."


    As you say Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox has could you please advise me on how to access the spell checker, word translator, auto-filler for name, postcode, phone number address etc & Blog This! button, cheers.

  3. "I'll wipe something off that's needed (I've wiped my HD twice in past years and no, I have nothing backed up, haven't figured that out yet!)"


    I believe CCleaner has been designed in a way they what it removes is close to 100% safe to remove as it could be.


    "In Applications - what exactly would this program clean up in something like PHOTOSHOP?"


    It cleans the MRU(Most resent used) list which is if you open a app and click file then open it normally points to the last file and or folder you used CCleaner will simply remove a registry entry(which is safe) so next time you open a file with in the selected program it does not point to the file and or folder you last used. Its a privacy thing.


    "It shows I have 5753 temp internet files - with over 35mb in that area - that sounds nuts!"


    All the components of a web page which you have viewed are download this will simply clean the history from within your selected browser(which should be FireFox :D ).


    "Is this compatable with AOL - I see it mentions IE and FF, but not AOL - does AOL even have anything to do with it?"


    I believe the AOL browser uses the IE engine there for i would assume if you clean The IE history from with in CCleaner it should remove the history from with in the AOL browser as well.


    "I have webroot spysweeper, but under utilities it's not checked off, and it's gray - should I check it off?"


    Things that are not automatically checked are normally because it may remove something the a user may want i looked at the .ini entry it it looks like it will remove the history and log file. But as i said they are normally not ticked automatically for a reason. Just wait and someone else will properly answer that tho i believe it would be ok.

  4. There's a Google search bar there built in with no added extras needed.  People should learn to have better spelling and grammar on their own.  Something that auto fills out forms can't guarantee accuracy either.  Enough of this ping-pong argument.  Case closed.




    The Google bar has many features its not a download only if you use them all thing. About people should learn to spell its not weather you can spell or not its just to make sure i mean look at Microsoft word and open office they both have spellcheckers which I'm sure many if not all users use before saving and or printing a document. When i used Google bar for IE auto fill worked great and so far the same with the FireFox toolbar.
  5. I normally attack my keyboard with a hoover with one of thos brushy thingies attached & suck every little thing out, be warned make sure there are no loose keys on your keyboard or you will be going thru the hoover bag looking for them not that i have ever dont it :( . About the screws i have never taken a keyboard apart before but i would advise to take all the outside ones off first and see if it comes apart if not take them all out do it on a table tho so you dont loose anything.

  6. Google have officially release a toolbar for FireFox find it here. I think it is better then the unofficial Google toolbar it also has auto-fill which last time i used the unofficial one it did not it also has translator & a brilliant spell checker which is good for thos of us who cant spall (lmao).

  7. I'm not sure what "restore to factory settings" the tech help was talking about but you could try system restore. Open the control panel in start menu then click "Performance and maintenance" on the left there will be system restore.

  8. In response to Andavari post. bdr122 could you do the following open your start and open run a menu a box will open type "regedit" (without the quotes) registry editor should then open press "HKEY_USERS", there should then be a long number smiler to "S-1-5-21-1801674531-630328440-725345543-1001" open that. Then open "software" could you then see if there is a "Apple Computer, Inc." entry close to the top of the list.

  9. Very nice Mr.G one of the few programs that's stays the same small size but yet continually gets better. I'm also rather chuffed my SpyBot Search and Destroy entry is going to be part of the app :D . Also one quick question how do you decide what .ini applications entries actualy come with the program? Also how come you don't just include all the .ini entries which have been created they only come in at 18 or so Kb?

  10. Ehy,I have a problem:

    i have used CCleaner to delate all the address in the cronology but some address are still in the autocomplete address in w explorer.


    how i can deleate everythig?

    I've also deleate manually everything in my local settings......

    Guys....sorry 4 my english......i'm italian and my english isn't good







    First off I'm not the forum admin but please do not post the exact same message in 2 different sections most people class that as spamming. Are the boxes of the items you wish to cleans ticked within CCleaner?

  11. You do not need to burn dvd-ram discs they act as ram you just move files from your pc to the disc etc and they come in I believe around 9gb discs. Also anyone know when the HD DVDs & blu ray drives are coming out?


    Bavaria if you do not mind me asking but how much did you dvd-ram drive cost?

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