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CCleaner on Scheduled Tasks - Vista


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One of my favorite things about CCleaner is that I can just choose "Run CCleaner" from the recycle bin right-click menu and it will run automatically in the background.


What I want to do is to add CCleaner into Scheduled Tasks so that it will do run automatically in the background at a certain time every week. However, Scheduled Tasks only opens the program and doesn't run it automatically. To run it automatically in the background, I'm guessing I need to add arguments to CCleaner (like CCleaner.exe -this -that) to make CCleaner do what I want it to do.


Does anyone know the arguments I need to run CCleaner automatically in the background? If not, are there other ways to do this?


Thanks in advance for your help. ;)


EDIT: also, is there a way to do the registry scanning (and solving) automatically as well?

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