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  1. Run CCleaner as an administrator (right click, pick "Run As Administrator"), and run the registry cleaner again. The current version of CCleaner has a bug where it will act like it is deleting the registry entries but actually doesn't unless it's running as an administrator.
  2. Ever since the latest update, CCleaner doesn't require administrator access to run. Which is kinda stupid, since you need admin privileges to delete reg entries and boot processes. So, I have to run it as administrator anyway. Why was this change made in the first place? I really think this should be changed back.
  3. One of my favorite things about CCleaner is that I can just choose "Run CCleaner" from the recycle bin right-click menu and it will run automatically in the background. What I want to do is to add CCleaner into Scheduled Tasks so that it will do run automatically in the background at a certain time every week. However, Scheduled Tasks only opens the program and doesn't run it automatically. To run it automatically in the background, I'm guessing I need to add arguments to CCleaner (like CCleaner.exe -this -that) to make CCleaner do what I want it to do. Does anyone know the arguments I need to run CCleaner automatically in the background? If not, are there other ways to do this? Thanks in advance for your help. EDIT: also, is there a way to do the registry scanning (and solving) automatically as well?
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