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Latest drivers not available

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Hello. I can find the drivers I want to update (after much effort) manually or with other third-party software programs. Because I see that CCleaner cannot find the updateable drivers. How up-to-date is CCleaner Driver Updater's driver database? Thank you.

SS: https://imgur.com/a/RDFsOyI

SS-2024-06-16 143523.png

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It's just a question of different updater apps using different lists from different providers.

Each updater app will be targeting a different set of users, who use different types of software.

So while each list will be 'up to date' for what they do list they don't (can't) list everything.

However, there can be another reason why one offers an update when another doesn't -

Some of them will list/offer updates that don't even apply to your particular machine anyway.
Yes there may be a newer version, but if the changes in it are not meant for your particular system then you don't need it.
So a 'smarter' updater will not offer it and waste your time - a 'dumber' updater will just offer everything that is 'newer' whether whether you need it or not.
Of course you could still update to the unneeded ones if you want to, that's your choice to make.

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