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Unable to update Intel drivers

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Although there is an update it may not be required for the Intel chipset as set up on your particular motherboard.

You could try again later but if it/they still aren't being installed then I'd just use either the 'Pause Updates' or the 'Skip this version' button for the drivers in question, see the screenshot below.

That's one of the problems with any driver updater - Just because there is a new version of a driver does not mean that it is meant/neeeded for your particular machine.
It may not even be compatible with your machine at all, in which case updating to it (without checking first) can stop your computer working properly.
(See various threads where that has happened in this forum alone).

As an example you can see that the driver here has a newer vesrion than the one currently installed, however the older one was installed many years later than the newer version was released - because the older one is the correct one for the model of CD/DVD player that is installed this machine.
'Newer' isn't always 'best'.


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