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App update checker error


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For at least a few versions now (currently on 6.06.10144 (64 bit), the app out of date checker  consistently reports three apps as being out of date, but they are not. 


They are Calibre, PeaZip, and VLS Media Player.  In each case, the current version number shown in CCleaner is wrong; the latest version is correct (and is the version actually installed on the PC. 


Thanks for looking into this. 


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I assume that you mean VLC Media Player.

It's always best to check an applications website for the latest version, if you 'check for updates' in the application itself they will often say you are up to date even when there is a newer version available.

There is a new version of VLC released, 3.0.18 Vetenari: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/3.0.18.html
CCleaner has been offering it for about a week. (It was actualy offically available from VLC for a couple of days before VLC put it up on their website - if you knew where to check).
However if you 'check for updates' in VLC itself it may still tell you that you are up to date with v 3.0.17. (Mine did that).
That's simply because such updates are 'metered out' to different users at different times to avoid overloading the update servers.
VLC will get round to offering it to you soon.

You can wait for it to be offered in your VLC, or if you want it now you can update it yourself, or let CCleaner update it for you.

From the websites of your other two apps:
The latest Calibre is v6.9, released on 25 November: https://calibre-ebook.com/whats-new
The Latest  PeaZip is v8.9.0 released 9 October: https://peazip.github.io/peazip-64bit.html

I note that PeaZip does seem to get an update every 2 months so it's about due for one now, CCleaner may have picked up a new PeaZip release before it has been put up on their website.

If you already do have those versions and CCleaner is offering you something else then please let us know just what CCleaner is offering you.
A screenshot of the Software Updater would be clearest.


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