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Is CCleaner now secure?

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I recently learnt that CCleaner had been compromised, but is this still the case today?

It has been set up in my computer ever since it was constructed, which was in June of last year.

Is the app now secure and working properly? Should I keep it installed any longer?

I appreciate you.

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That was 5 years ago back in 2017 and it was quickly shut down within days.

So there is no way that your 1-year old computer could be affected.

Unless you somehow got hold of a 5 year old compromised installer from somewhere, and then installed it, and as you can imagine you are not going to find one of those easily.
Even if you did all that  the old compromise would no longer work, there is nothing for it to do or connect to anymore.

It didn't realy affect any home users, other than all the fuss at the time.

The bad guys were not interested in CCleaner or it's customers. The breach was aimed at big, - Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, Sony, Google, big, - tech companies to try and steal some of their development secrets.

The (probably Chinese government) bad guys had just used CCleaner as a vehicle to get to those big companies because CCleaner is so widely used, even at those big companies.

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