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can't turn off tracking

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Hi there! I do not understand something - since version 5.45.6611, tracking in the free version of ccleaner can not be turned off any more? To put a tick in the settings - does not help, the tray hanging icon and message that the tracking is active. In the task manager, I remove the task of active monitoring - after the ccleaner is started, the task is turned on automatically. Tried to nail in the registry - the same result. In this case, the network traffic monitor reports suspicious network activity of the process.
Question: for what or for whom does the program follow, what data does it collect and where does it go?
Comment: The same situation on windows 10 home sl 32-birt and windows10 pro 64-bit, the same way on win7x86 home basic and win7x64. All versions are legally purchased, antiviruses Kaspersky Total (x64) and DrWeb Security (x86). No miners, no malware detected/ 

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g'day Hobbit and welcome to the forum.

if you look at the other, many, threads on this issue, you'll see it's a common complaint, with as yet, no official clarification.
some are thinking it's a bug, others like myself reckon it's been done by design.

if you read the Change Log you'll see the new 'heartbeat' feature mentioned there.
but there's no more info than that.

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I have paid for and used CCleaner and Defraggler and recommended it to a lot of my clients/friends and family.

This latest ! Malfuction! of "Forced Active Monitoring" being shoved down our throat is right out of Microsoft's ! Windows 10 ! Forced playbook.

And guess what, I won't use windows 10 either! And they can shove the cloud!

I will not stand for this.

I have been building and using PC's for 30 years and seen this happen for to often! System Mechanic  used to be great, then they kept adding features and finally it got so bloated that I quit using it.

Please back off, let use choose these options, QUIT FORCING this stuff!


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On 7/26/2018 at 04:36, mta said:

g'day Hobbit and welcome to the forum.

if you look at the other, many, threads on this issue, you'll see it's a common complaint, with as yet, no official clarification.
some are thinking it's a bug, others like myself reckon it's been done by design.

if you read the Change Log you'll see the new 'heartbeat' feature mentioned there.
but there's no more info than that.

Count me in as one of those who also believe that this is by design. And quite frankly, that's what concerns me. I would not be surprised in the least bit to see this program go from Free or optional Upgrade to a 30 day Trial.

It probably goes without saying but I - like many others - do not like, nor do I want this "feature" and if it is truly here to stay, then personally I'm going to find another alternative. Which is sad because I have been supporting and promoting this software for as long as I can remember and I'd hate for that to happen all because of one simple added unnecessary feature.

1 hour ago, Gardian said:

I have paid for and used CCleaner and Defraggler and recommended it to a lot of my clients/friends and family.

This latest ! Malfuction! of "Forced Active Monitoring" being shoved down our throat is right out of Microsoft's ! Windows 10 ! Forced playbook.

And guess what, I won't use windows 10 either! And they can shove the cloud!

I will not stand for this.

I have been building and using PC's for 30 years and seen this happen for to often! System Mechanic  used to be great, then they kept adding features and finally it got so bloated that I quit using it.

Please back off, let use choose these options, QUIT FORCING this stuff!

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I too have been in the IT business for 14 years and CCleaner is literally the 4th program that I install on every clean setup on every clients, friends or families PC (I have a rhythm down on which programs I install and in order based on the OS) and it's been that way since late version 2.

I just recently caved a few weeks ago and downgraded my personal PC and my HTPC to Win 10 from Win 7/Linux and after spending roughly an hour disabling all of the unnecessary settings, bloatware and uninstalling the crapware that comes pre-installed in Win 10......now I find out that another one of my go-to programs are taking the same approach.

Not a good look. At all.

--To the devs and the entire piriform staff....

I don't mean for this post to come off as just another piss and moan post. I really don't. Just as I don't believe that Gardian's post was meant that way either.

Now, I don't wanna speak for Gardian or anyone else. But I, personally, truly mean it to be constructive criticism by simply explaining my circumstances in hopes that you have a better understanding about the tough position that you're putting your longtime loyal and supported users through as a result of your decision. A decision that limits the ability for end users to use your program as we wish. Not you. 

I doubt that any of the staff will actually read this but if you do. Please reconsider. 






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