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Not longer working. . .

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Hi everybody, first of all I'm not so good in the english language - sorry!:(

Now my problem: yesterday I installed the upgrade of Windows10Pro-64Bit (1803) on my computer (ASRock-board AB350 Pro4 with chipset B350, AMD Ryzen1600, 16 GB of RAM, 2x SSD Samsung in a RAID1-configuration). I also installed the latest version 5.42.6495 but to my surprise the program no longer works :angry: ! After clicking on the icon there's a short delay of 1-2 second - and that's it, no more happens!!! Looking into the taskmanager, there's nothing running, it seems as if the program starts and then quits and do nothing else...!?! And there are no (error-/screen-)messages or something else...

I've de- (with and without RevoUnistaller) and reinstalled it, but nothing is changing...:o


So please can someone give me a hint, what am I doing wrong, what's the trick to get it working again?!?

Thank You I appriciate Your help and ideas!


P.S.: On Win10 version 1709 everything worked very fine...

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First time CCleaner crashed here and I am on 1803 now.

I ran reg cleaner just to see what pops up, I scrolled the list and I got pop up it has crashed with a comment to send in (which I am not sure got sent).

this was version 5.40.6411

Edit: No AV installed other than Windows Defender.

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