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wireless security for home system


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OK, I have been using my wireless network for my home systems for quite sometime, but it was not until I got my new laptop last month that I realized my network was not secure..meaning anyone in the neighborhood can log on to my network. I have read a few articles on setting up the wirless network, but can not find the right info to secure it. So, I turn to you all.


I am using a Netgear wireless card and router, I can not remember any default login or password? Do I need this info to set this up or do I do this through my Windows XP SP2 software?



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for a netgear router which i have u type in in the internet explorer address bar. the defaults for a login and password, are admin and password. this is written on the router if ur confused. u then enable wep or one of the others by putting in a phrase or numbered key. then put this same code in either the dodgy wireless config utillity or if ur using windows to connect just double click on ur wireless network and enter the numbered key. wont let u use the phrase which is a tad annoying so make sure u write the wep code down. if u get into a posistion where ur basically fudged up as in cant remember the code u can just do a hard reset on the router by pressing the little button on the back for a while. should have a little diagram on the router on where it is. this is the same setup that i am using. dg834gt router and wg311t wireless card so this should work. if u need more help just ask, configing this wireless has basically sent me to hell and back but it works really well now.

Homer: I never apologise, im sorry Lisa. Thats just the way i am
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