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Folder structure question


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I know Recuva has an option to include the original folder structure, but in my basic tests (like of my current drive, which is healthy, has comparatively little on it and takes no time to scan), I don't see any identifiable folder structure, it's just a huge list of files alphabetically. Would this only show up if I paste everything in bulk? I think I'd want to prioritize some folders when I do a full scan of a drive I'm having issues with, would I be able somehow identify individual folders to extract? At the same time, when I try to select a type from the filename/path dropdown in the search bar, only selecting "pictures" shows anything, and it's just 2 files (even though I'm able to readily access more pictures than this on the HD.) The drop-down in the search is the only identifiable selection I can see that allows me to select specific file types, and it gives me basically nothing.


A few other questions:


-Is it possible to order files by integrity/health?

-Is file/folder creation and modification history retained? I ran a very, very brief scan of the drive I plan to run a full scan on, got a single file off it, and the data creation/modification dates were reset to the date of extraction.

-Can I save a scan for later?

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Right click inside the results pane and select View Mode/Tree View. This will show the scan results by folder. In Options/Actions check the Restore Folder Structure box. This will recover the folder structure (within the folder containing the recovered files).


Sort on folders by clicking the Path column header. The Filename/Path will select by file extension. Pics etc without the correct file extension will not be selected.


Other questions:


Yes, sort on State by clicking the column header

No, a recovery creates new files


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In Recuva List view, click on Path at the top of the second column. All of the columns can be sorted in this way, but only one at a time. If you're in Tree view then the file list is already sorted by folder. And in case you ask, a ? means that the path can't be determined.

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