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Has anyone used OE Classic?


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Here it is on the eve of 2020 and they still can't make OEC the default email program.
You have to ask what they consider a priority.

He's more interested in making you pay for an upgrade than fixing a problem. (and the upgrade still doesn't fix the problem and he knows it)

Edited by Airwolf4
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  • 2 weeks later...

- I agree, the pace of introducing new features like making the OEC the default email client program, is not very high. E.g. it took the developers a long time to add support for IMAP. But I know that OEC has only a small amount of developers at hand.

- When it comes to introducing new features (like IMAP) it's the users who use the "paid for" version who determine on what is added to the program. The more people ask for one feature the more likely it will be that that one feature will be added in a new version.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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There are a lot of applications that use the "default email program" as a "send to" destination like QuickBooks and Peachtree Accounting for sending invoices. Since Outlook Express Classic is not able to do that, it is just another "also ran" email client in the business world and a lot of the personal world. So if you are looking for just another "play toy" then OEC is a good choice.


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2 hours ago, Airwolf4 said:

There are a lot of applications that use the "default email program" as a "send to" destination like QuickBooks and Peachtree Accounting for sending invoices. Since Outlook Express Classic is not able to do that, it is just another "also ran" email client in the business world and a lot of the personal world. So if you are looking for just another "play toy" then OEC is a good choice.


You seem to have a bone to grind with oec, not sure why but are you being constructive at all with your critiques




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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  • 4 weeks later...


I've just started using OE Classic, however, when you send an email, it comes with a default signature, something along the lines of:

"Download OE Classic, the replacement for Outlook Express at https://oeclassic.com"

I was wondering if you know how to remove this.

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- That's an advertisement and can't be removed in the Free version of OEC. If you buy the PRO version that advertisement isn't there any more. But the PRO version has some more extra features. See the website of OEC for all the details.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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  • 1 month later...

I keep seeing announcements of updated versions but i also notice two things

1) the updates listed seem to be repeats from previous updates and

2) the updates are mostly small stuff.  It would be better to wrap up all that small stuff in quarterly updates instead of continually hyping the product.

What would be really appreciated  would be production and usability stuff . . . like being the default email program.

Looks like priorities are out of order.

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  • 1 month later...

- Although I never used the program myself, it seems that there were still A LOT OF people using Incredimail. But starting in March of 2020 IncrediMail has shut down its servers.


- The latest version of OEC (PRO version) released today, is now able to import messages from IncrediMail.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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Has this thing been made able to be the default mail program yet ?. . . or doesn't OEClassic want to be a users "go to" mail program ?

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  • 2 months later...

- Users of the july 2020 version of OEC PRO should remove this version and go back to the june 10, 2020 version. There is a MAJOR annoying bug that shows up when the user is writing an email. The same bug shows up in a slightly different way in each language.

- I assume the developers are aware of this bug because the last available version for download is that june 10, 2020 version. The july 2020 version has been removed.

- Re-installing the previous version is very simple. Remove all files from "C:\Program files (x86)\OEClassic", download & install the latest available PRO version

Edited by Willy2

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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- From the OEC Facebook page(s), I pulled the following texts:

source: https://www.facebook.com/oeclassic


- Comment #1:

"Gmail should be Griefmail, it periodically stops OE Classic from collecting my mail so goodbye to the problem. GMX.com and Outlook.com are superior to Gmail and have never caused a fault with OE Classic collecting mail."

- OEC replied as follows:

"It is true that Gmail quality of service has dropped in the recent years. But still beats Yahoo mail (also used by ATT and Frontier as well as some others) which is one of the least reliable servers we know of (also a frequent cause of tech support questions)"


- Comment #2:

"If you use Mail for Windows 10 as a "backup" to OE Classic, be careful! If you use it in combination with Gmail, the latest update of Windows 10 can cause this application to randomly delete messages from various Gmail folders. OE Classic of course has no such issues. If you're interested in more of the issues with Windows 10 May update - we wrote a bit on that on our blog.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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It would really be nice if the OEC developers would quit fiddling around with the nickel dime stuff and make some serious improvements

. . . like being able to act as the default mail client.

. . . Give us updates with usable features . . . not new bugs.

Edited by Airwolf4
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  • 4 months later...

- New update for OE Classic available (version v3.1). Starting with this build/version the builds of OEC will contain both the Free & "Paid for" versions. To unlock the PRO features the user must "activate" the Free version with his/her license key. People who want to help to translate the program in more languages than those already available are still welcome to help out.


You're not the only one who would love to see the program have an option to make OEC the default email client. The developers are saying that that this option ("default email client") is their "next project". Hope that this will be implemented in the next build and ASAP.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

- A new version of OE Classic has been released. From the OEC Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/oeclassic ) :

At last, the latest update of OE Classic - v3.2, 2021-04-06, https://www.oeclassic.com/ - brings you long awaited features (asked by many users!):

New features:

• [2021-03-14] Set as default program for "mailto:" links and "Email Link" functionality in some web browsers (which browsers ???)

• [2021-04-06] Set as default program for opening external .EML files (also "Open with" shell menu)

The above 2 features allow you to set OE Classic as "default" mail program for opening "mailto:" links (when clicked in web browser) and for opening .EML files which you may have saved on your disk drive as files.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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  • 3 weeks later...

- The latest version of OEC PRO v3.2 now supports MAPI.

MAPI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAPI

Still have to find GOOD information on what MAPI is all about. Has anyone some good suggestions where to find that info ?

- OEC now supports some 19 languages. But users who want to help to translate the program into additional languages are still very welcome to do so. Send an email to the developers of OEC.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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I have been asking Zvonko Tesic if he can actually run his OEClassic as the default mail client as he wants to claim and he refuses to answer. Making me suspect that he is lying to his customers. Matter of fact, he keeps insisting that I upgrade to the latest version before he will provide "support". He fails to comprehend I'm only trying to determine what his product can and can not do. Irritatingly he calls that support and refuses to give a clear answer. Even Microsoft is not that arrogant.

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8 hours ago, Airwolf4 said:

I have been asking Zvonko Tesic if he can actually run his OEClassic as the default mail client as he wants to claim and he refuses to answer. Making me suspect that he is lying to his customers. Matter of fact, he keeps insisting that I upgrade to the latest version before he will provide "support". He fails to comprehend I'm only trying to determine what his product can and can not do. Irritatingly he calls that support and refuses to give a clear answer. Even Microsoft is not that arrogant.

The way you've been complaining about it in this topic would make one wonder why do you even bother using it? There's other e-mail programs, or even web-based e-mail.

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- April 29, 2021: New version of OEC PRO available.

- From what I read on the OEC Facebook page, this version of OEC now has full support for the feature called "default email client". Read the whole story here: https://www.facebook.com/oeclassic 

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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For those who are too lazy to go to OEC's Facebook page or hate Facebook, I have copied all the relevant info on the topic "MAPI in OEC" from Facebook and  placed it below. Users of the FREE version of OEC will have to wait until the next release of the free version of OEC.
The new MAPI support allows you to do several things:
• You can right mouse click one or more files and choose "Send to" ➔ "Mail recipient". This will open a new window in OE Classic with those files already attached and ready to send.
• It should be possible to "scan to email" where scanner software supports this feature, without saving file first and attaching it later.
• You can also resize images before emailing them - if you want to send smaller version of photos by email - right click them and choose "Send to" ➔ "Mail recipient". Windows will open a new prompt and ask you the size you want to send from smaller to large. After choosing a desired size, images will be resized to temporary files (original images remain intact) and those temporary files will be sent to OE Classic as attachments again, ready to send.
• A dedicated "email" button on multimedia keyboards should also work now to open OE Classic.
Note that in order to use the above features you must set OE Classic as default MAPI program (email messaging program) using the Options / General (shown in the screenshot above). This cannot be done from Windows 10 - there is no such an option only options to set as default for .EML files and for mailto: protocol. So it must be done from OE Classic's Options window.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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- Does anyone have a problem with the "Send To ==> Mail Recipient" feature in OEC ??  It seems that in some Windows setups this feature doesn't work. If your Windows system has that one problem then please contact OEC's support.

- Currently OEC supports 24 languages. But there are still a few languages (e.g. finnish) missing. People who want to translate the program from english into that missing language are still welcome and should contact OEC's support as well.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


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Well, it looks like Zvonko is almost all there. Too bad he didn't properly implement default mail program capabilities years ago when people first asked for it. Clearly he didn't agree with  the advantages of that capability - - even though all his competition did.

I have detailed the necessary capabilities to him but he kept demanding I upgrade without saying if the upgrade will do what I was talking about. That's what I call ignoring the comments. Also he kept saying without upgrading, he will not talk "support". Aggravating how he equates "support" to a simple question of capabilities.

Why have I been complaining? Because OEC can be so much better and those that just accept what was doled out are facilitating the delays.

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