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Tree-Size Tool


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Sometimes I receive an email from CCleaner Cloud telling me that one of my drives is nearly full.
But unfortunately there is no tool in CCleaner Cloud that assists me to find large folders and large files.

A Tree-Size tool like WinDirStat (http://windirstat.info/) would be very helpful here.
Here you find the SourceForge website of WinDirStat: https://sourceforge.net/projects/windirstat/

WinDirStat scans the entire drive (or just a specific folder), shows for each folder the size as numbers and as a graphical bar and sorts the list by folder size.
Then I can delete a specific folder directly from WinDirStat or open the selected folder in the Windows Explorer (file manager).

Here you see a screenshot of WinDirStat:




Interesting for CCleaner Cloud is only the upper part (the tree structure) not the lower part (showing the size of different files in graphical blocks, where you easily can identify large files).



So when I receive an email from CCleaner Cloud telling me that one of my drives is nearly full, let me click an link in this email that opens the Tree-Size tool of CCleaner Cloud for this drive.
Here I can analyze the drive and delete large folders.

It should also be possible to open the Tree-Size tool from the message "Drive C: Nearly Full" in the events section of the starting page and in the events tab (the events page).
But it should also be possible to open the Tree-Size tool from the page "Summary" when I click the drive-usage diagram shown at "Disk Space".


Such a tool would really be fantastic and really help me a lot.

At the moment there is no assist of CCleaner Cloud.





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