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CCleaner sometimes doesn't clean all unwanted cookies


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Win7 SP1 64bit

Firefox 41

Ccleaner 5.10.5373 (64 bit)


Often, but not always, CCleaner will clear some, but not all of my unwanted cookies. For example, I had 54 cookies. The Cleaner Analysis and Cleaning found and cleared 5 of them. I went to Options> Cookies and the remaining 48 cookies were still on the left side. I selected all of these unwanted cookies, right clicked and deleted all of them. I went to another section of CCleaner, then came back and the 48 cookies were there again.


I ran the Cleaning analysis again and it found nothing. So far, the only way around this problem has been to restart my PC, then run CCleaner> Cleaning immediately after startup. The unwanted 48 cookies were found and deleted as they should be. I've been using CCleaner for a long time and this behavior just started with this current version and with Firefox 40 (and 41).


I use CCleaner several times per day, mostly to clear the Firefox cache and clean out unwanted cookies. I do this especially before and after online banking, and after visiiting "questionable" websites. In case there are questions, here's my standard procedure:


1. Close Firefox, Windows Explorer and any other apps that might be affected by CCleaner's operation.


2. Start CCleaner, then glance at the cookies in Options> Cookies.


3. Click Registry, analyze, backup anything found (seldom), then fix as needed.


4. Click Cleaner, run the Analysis, briefly review the results, then Clean.


5. Now I've started going back to Options> Cookies to ensure that all were cleaned out. They're usually gone, but not always, and that's the problem.


Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a fix (other than rebooting the PC)? Or should I just consider this to be a bug report?


Any helpful suggestions will be most appreciated.









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Are you sure they are firefox and not, maybe flash? If you highlight it what icon is shown at the bottom of ccleaner? Also it could be that Firefox is not always completely exited after closing (this can happen if an add-on or feature such as sync is still running) check Windows Task Manager (processes on >W8 or details on W8 and W10) for any firefox or addon container.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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Thanks, Nergal, for your suggestions!


It happened again today. This time CCleaner found 21 Firefox cookies and cleaned them, but left 172 cookies behind. I checked them and all were Firefox cookies (with a couple of IE cookies, too.).


Next, I checked the processses and nothing that looked like it was connected to Firefox, or even Mozilla, jumped out at me. Again, I restarted my system, ran CCleaner immediatetely and all 172 cookies were removed.


All that said, I had just left a moderately annoying spam site (openload.co) after downloading 50 files. This site is most likely the cause of my CCleaner problem, and probably has been previously, too. I knew this was a spam site from the beginning, but it's pretty tame compared to many, so I took the risk. It's one reason I value CCleaner so much. Tame or not, though, I still ran a McAfee virus scan after closing the session. :)


I think the problem is not with CCleaner, but one of my own making. Problem solved, lol. Still, I appreciate your helpful suggestions. Thanks again!!!

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