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Windows 10 available on July 29th


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I have decided to wait until more is explained about the Windows Updates.


It's my machine and I'm not having someone auto downloading onto it.


Microsoft still haven't explained to what degree Win Updates will be configurable when you are using the Pro versions.


This is putting  a lot of people off.


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Interesting detail:


“Reserve” your copy of Windows 10 and your Windows computer will automatically download Windows 10 in bits and pieces before the release date. When Windows 10 is good to go, you won’t have to download a massive installer from Microsoft at the same time everyone else does. It’s a bit like preloading a game or movie before the release date.




As I said earlier, it's a modified p2p in the style of a torrent downloader. Going forward this is how all updates are supposed to be handled (I believe plans were to integrate this is windows store...don't know if it happened or not thoufh)




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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@Hazelnut: Fully agree. I want to keep as much control over my system as possible. I fear Win 10 could mess up my system and there's now way to go back to a good functioning Win 7 (without a fresh re-install). No thanks.


I "un-subscibed" to Win 10 yesterday.

Edited by Willy2

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


A discussion always stimulates the braincells !!!

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and there's now way to go back to a good functioning Win 7 (without a fresh re-install).



this is where a good drive cloning/imaging software like Macrium Reflect shines.

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. . .

It's my machine and I'm not having someone auto downloading onto it.

. . .

This is putting  a lot of people off.




And it looks like win 10 will be the least "flexible" version yet. 


@ Willy2, how did you "un-subscribe"?  Next time my win 7 machine is turned on, that is the first order of business.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Have a link to share?  :)

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Thank you. 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Was passiert, wenn ich nicht innerhalb des ersten Jahres umsteige?

Steigen Sie nicht innerhalb des ersten Jahres um, in dem Windows 10 auf dem Markt ist, zahlen Sie den Vollpreis (bislang nur in Dollar bekannt): 119 Dollar für Windows 10 Home, 199 Dollar für Windows 10 Pro, 99 Dollar für das nachträgliche Upgrade von Home auf Pro.



What happens if I do not upgrade within the first year?
Do not climb to within the first year in which Windows 10 is in the market, you pay the full price (so far only in dollars known): $ 119 for Windows 10 Home, $ 199 for Windows 10 Pro 99 dollars for the subsequent upgrade from Home to Pro.



my question:


1.) if i upgrade to w10 from w8.1 --> what w10-version will i get? --> w10 home?

2.) if i upgrade to w10 from w7 pro --> ? --> w10 pro?


3.) what happens with the key?

is the w8.1 or w7 key after upgrade only a windows 10 key?

i mean, can i activate after a reinstall of windows 7 my windows 7 or is it only valid for w10?





ps: i have read willys link, so my questions 1.) and 2.) have done.



*Must be running the latest version of Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) to receive the free upgrade to Windows 10 via Windows Update.

**Must be running the latest version of Windows 8 (Windows 8.1 Update) to receive the free upgrade to Windows 10 via Windows Update.

*** Also applies to Windows 8.1 country specific editions, Windows 8.1 Single Language, Windows 8.1 with Bing.

****The availability of Windows 10 upgrade for Windows Phone 8.1 devices may vary by OEM, mobile operator or carrier.

“N” and “KN” editions follow the upgrade path of the parent edition (e.g., Windows 7 Professional N upgrades to Windows 10 Pro).

Some editions are excluded: Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT/RT 8.1. Active Software Assurance customers in volume licensing have the benefit to upgrade to Windows 10 enterprise offerings outside of this offer.


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As enlightening as those people's comments were, I'm not confident I trust what they say.

I've used those MS forums before and from my experience I'm not sure how 'qualified' the so-called experts really are.

I think most pull their answers from their own experiences which seem to differ widely, to the point of being plain wrong sometimes.

Add their thoughts to your own investigations, don't just take what the say as gospel.

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Important..please read all these 2 pages

. . .


Thanks, Hazelnut.  I did.  Must say I much appreciate all the information in this topic. 


It seems that there is about one chance in a gazillion that this thing will go well for consumers. 

Losing the ability to play DVDs?  No choice about updates? Phooey. 


Fwiw, I intend to get an imaging software, maybe Macrium but probably IFW (they give a license for 3 computers), and make complete images of the win 7 desktop and the win 8 laptop as they sit right now.  Neither has been turned on for several months, and at last startup they worked pretty well. 


Then, regardless of what exciting consumer experience microsoft presents, I will be able to go back to an earlier configuration. 

Is that right or is there something I am overlooking?

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Then, regardless of what exciting consumer experience microsoft presents, I will be able to go back to an earlier configuration. 

Is that right or is there something I am overlooking?


A lot of folk are hoping that is how it will work. Keep searching for more info :)


Just to show a more balanced thread,  here is some really well written, easy to understand info of what Win 7 and Win 8 users can expect to be different when they upgrade.






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Losing the ability to play DVDs?  No choice about updates? Phooey. 

I agree. That's what changed my mind.

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Hello to hazelnut and everyone else - If the claims made by this person Andre Ca Costa turn out to be true, then it means upgrading to Windows 10 will be a one-way street, and once you go down it, there's no turning around and coming back. Not at all encouraging. I was planning on upgrading my Windows 8.1 machine and leaving the Windows 7 machine as-is, but now I doubt I'll even be doing that.


There's one big "If" that has been troubling me all along, and that no one seems to be able to answer: Will Microsoft ever release installation .iso's for Windows 10 after the one year offer to upgrade comes to an end? The reasoning behind this and why it concerns me:


1.) You decide to upgrade to Windows 10.

2.) The one year offer to upgrade for free expires.

3.) No .iso's for Windows 10 are released at this point in time.

4.) You have a big problem, such as hard drive failure or a massive virus/malware issue.

5.) You try to re-install either Windows 7 or 8.1, since no .iso's for Windows 10 are available.

6.) Based on Andre Da Costa's claim you're locked out, since you can only activate Windows 10 on your machine at that point.


What can you do except to buy Windows 10? (Or install Linux? :rolleyes: )

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I'm not seeing the issue here. I'm pretty sure the only reason the thread is being answered "you can't roll back" is that the poster has an OEM Windows with a UEFI Boot I'm pretty sure those of you with drive images of your xp/vista/7 machines are fine. 8 machines are restored, I assume, if you have an external recovery disc (and don't use the reset my machine feature of 8/10).




A redesign of Windows’ Refresh and Reset functionalities to no longer use a separate recovery image (often preinstalled by manufacturers today) in order to bring Windows devices back to a pristine state. This reduces Windows’ storage footprint further as the recovery image on typical devices can range in size from 4GB to 12GB, depending on the make and model.


Because 10 doesn't restore from the a seperate partition my assumption is that these factors lead to the reply and worries of that thread.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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- This is what I get when I "unsubscribe" to Win 10 on my dutch (!!!) Win 7 system and open "Windows Update" in Control Panel. See attachment. When I "subscribe" to Win 10 then the blue area turns white.

- Yes, the Win 10 system tray icon keeps popping up but I let Cleanmem kill the process "GWX.exe" but I am not going to un-install the "update" (KB3035583) itself. Only un-installing that update will completely remove all Win 10 notifications. But I can live with it.


- See also e.g. this article:


System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


A discussion always stimulates the braincells !!!

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I don't see this going bad for MS at all.

Quiet the opposite in fact. (probably be eating those words come July 30th)


I had a retail edition of Win7, took the online upgrade offer to Win8 and the Windows Update to 8.1 then 8.1u1 all without issues.

Should be no reason to expect the Win10 update to be any different.  (obviously you pray it works but assume it won't and do your backups/drive images accordingly - hey, I'm not that ignorant!)


If I have understood this Win10 upgrade correctly, when you activate it your current Product Key for Win7 or 8 becomes your Win10 Key.

All the talk on the MS forum about what happens if your motherboard dies should be no issue (for either OEM or Retail editions) as at worst, all you'd have to do is ring the MS activation number and get your license transferred to the newly repaired PC.



The thing you may be 'overlooking', and what I've not heard a definitive answer on, is if you do have to reload back to your previous windows edition, does your old Key still work, that is, will it be activated?

I believe it will as surely the activation servers will recognise it as a valid Win10 or Win7/8 Key.

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Losing the ability to play DVDs?


no, ms gives a free app (as a replacement for the "Media Center Users" --> because the Media Center Extender will not exist on Windows 10)

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after I read a thing or two here, I think I'm going to cancel the upgrade and wait until next year ...

Versions of CCleaner Cloud; Introduction Ccleaner Cloud;

Ccleaner-->System-Requirements; Ccleaner FAQ´s; Ccleaner builds; Scheduling Ccleaner Free


Es ist möglich, keine Fehler zu machen und dennoch zu verlieren. Das ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche. Das ist das Leben -> "Picard"

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I feel lucky so far as I've not been offered the Windows 10 upgrade yet

I backup Drive "C" every day via Macrium Reflect.............always keep the last 10 backup's

When it all happens, I think I'll wait 6 months to read your comments once installed

Keep the info flowing folks

Thanks to all for your thoughts and comments so far.

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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Let's see how W10s' SP1 holds up, then I'll take a second look. W7 works so good for me so far I'd hate to give it the bums' rush.


This whole torrent thing gives me a nauseous feeling. You know how many pinhead wanna-be hackers will try to screw up their tiny bits of downloaded W10 files? What you download won't be 'direct' from MS.

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