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CCleaner deleting registry entries for XBOX One Controller support? (Win7)


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I recently bought a new XBOX One Controller (The bundle with micro-USB cable for PC's). As the manual suggested, i downloaded the official drivers from microsofts support page and, just in case, restarted my Computer. When i plug in my controller nothing happend, there was no vibration or lights.
So i contacted the XBOX support, who, after some conversation about the controller, assured me that the controller itself is working fine, but there is a configuration problem with my PC. So i contacted the Windows support and they told me the problem is the CCleaner i use.
That, as a long term CCleaner user (never had a single problem reffered to it) confused me, but they were sure CCleaner delets importand registry information that now is missing to properly support the XBOX One controller. I asked if the same problem would appear with XBOX 360 controllers, and they said yes. My 360 controller intrestingly though works and worked just fine.

Well to be honest, they suggested me to renew my OS and see if it works then and I realy dont want to do that. So i wonder if anyone else experienced that problem (i cant be the only one with CCleaner and XBOX One controler, right?), knows a workaround or can somehow confirm that CCleaner is not the problem (so i can look for other solutions).

Thanks to anyone helping in advance, and sorry for my bad english.

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No, i didnt.

EDIT: Okay, i solved the problem. I somehow turned off windows updates (apparently) a while ago. I installed more than 187 'importand' updates and, guess what, the controller works now.
Stupid windows support scumbags °^°
Never blame CCleaner again! :D

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then i don't think this is a problem caused by ccleaner

what you can do is to remove the driver > restart > connect the controller without the installing the driver > see if it's working

if it's working, then it's up to you if you want to install the official driver or not


use device manager to troubleshoot

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I dont think he will do that... B)


I installed more than 187 'importand' updates and, guess what, the controller works now.

Versions of CCleaner Cloud; Introduction Ccleaner Cloud;

Ccleaner-->System-Requirements; Ccleaner FAQ´s; Ccleaner builds; Scheduling Ccleaner Free


Es ist möglich, keine Fehler zu machen und dennoch zu verlieren. Das ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche. Das ist das Leben -> "Picard"

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