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Cleaning MRU list


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When CCleaner runs, it completely removes all entries from a MRU list. It would br much better if I could select "Remove all entries" or "Remove only invalid entries". I really would like to retain links to valid files AND I would also like to delete entries for files that no longer reside at the MRU location.


I suppose this would require a mod to the general options as well as a "per app" entry so I could have my cake and eat it, too!

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The way CCleaner removes MRU it doesn't perform any search as a registry cleaner would do. What you want would have to be completely changed and moved from the Cleaner and into the registry cleaner.


The only options currently available are:

1. Untick/disable cleaning of programs you want to retain the MRU in.

2. Or for programs that use the registry for the MRU you could input registry exclusions in: Options->Exclude->Add->Registry Key

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