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Not enough storage (Deep Scan)


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My Problem: Running deep scan ended with a message stating it had ran out of memory


Search constraints: All .docx files in my C drive using the Recuva 32-bit program


System Specs

  • Processor = AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+, 2200 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
  • Total Physical Memory (RAM) = 1,917.94 MB
  • Available Physical Memory (RAM) = 951.17 MB
  • This memory would be that which is not currently being used by running programs
  • Allocated Virtual Memory Space = 5.32 GB (that which is allocated for the PC to use)
  • OS = Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium 32-bit
  • C:\ Hard Drive => Free Space 256.93 GB (275,874,443,264 bytes) (Max Space approx. 275 or 280 GB)


I am just wondering why it keeps telling me I ran out of memory space when I have well over 250 GB of HDD storage free and 5 GB virtual memory allocated (but barely any of it is being used).



Certainly there can't be more than 7GB (~5GB virt. + ~2 GB phys.) of data it needs to stored for the deep scanning. Unless it has anything to do with "a 32-bit OS can only allocate almost up to ~4GB of physical primary memory".


It should just be storing pointer locations not the files as a whole that would required at least another hard drive of at least half the size (~150 GB storage) or more.


How is it that I have maxed out or reached a limit as it were on memory for the deep scanning process?



Much appreciated.


Thank you, Michael

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Be patient Michael. :)


We're all just volunteers here and being from every corner of the planet, are on at different times, plus the fact that it's possible the members who have read your topic don't actually have an answer for you.


Can we clarify a couple of things first? We're talking about a computer with 2GB of hard memory, a 5GB paging file (virtual memory) and a hard drive with 250GB of free space (not memory).


I'm not being clever here, just getting the terminology right.


And I'm not clear as to what you mean by this ...


Rather than running this external hard drive (by SATA-to-USB) on a faster pc, I was going to try running the software while it was still attached to the PC


I was assuming at the start of your topic that you were running Recuva on the C: drive of the computer on which Recuva is installed. Does that mean that you are running Recuva on an external hard drive containing another Operating System with the C: System Drive letter?


Another one of the guys may see what you mean straight off, but I'm afraid it's confusing me a little.




EDIT: Almost forgot. Did the error message say that you had ran out of memory and not storage?

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I don't mean to imply that I was impatient for answers, and if it appeared that way I am sorry. It is just a pattern on other forums (that I have been to) that if you don't hear a response by the next morning or two days after (also depending on how the forum structure is configured), someone's post will most likely be a page or more under and less likely to be seen or noticed at all. As I had posted in my first post, I will say it again, I appreciate any help with this issue, and thank you for responsing so quickly.


To clarify with the things you were asking, I have looked over my heading post and rewrote it.

  • It has approx. 2GB of physical primary storage (RAM, i.e. internal memory)
  • A 5GB paging file (virtual memory).
  • 250 GB of HDD secondary storage (i.e., external memory but an internal HDD inside the pc hard case)


As far as the quote that you listed what I meant to say was, a possible solution to this issue would be just to take the current 250 GB HDD out of its current pc case, and hook it up to a disk docking station (made for internal HDDs) connected by USB to another faster computer for analysis. I would however rather be able to run Recuva (on the pc it is currently loaded into) without having to buy a disk docking station, if it is possible.


The Recuva program is being run on the same 250 GB HDD (C:\ drive). It is a secondary storage element, that is to say, external memory (but internal to the pc case) that is not directly attached to the CPU. The physical primary storage or RAM is what is "directly" attached to the CPU.

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Hi Michael.


No need to apologise, that was simply an explanation as to why some posts may sometimes seem to have been missed.


Firstly, have you tried a normal scan first? Deep scan is where this issue usually raises it's head, and of course it may also be due to the size of the drive Recuva is scanning. There are some huge drives these days.


Looking back at your first post ...


C:\ Hard Drive => Free Space 256.93 GB (275,874,443,264 bytes) (Max Space approx. 275 or 280 GB)


... I'm not sure from that what the total size of that hard drive is. Can you confirm the "used space" that Recuva is scanning, or simply what is the total size of the drive?


In the meantime, have a read here of a thread about the same problem, which will save my fingers ...




There are some ideas in that thread which may help. Post #14 worth taking in regarding cancelling stages of the scan hopefully save a little memory.



EDIT: Wrong link replaced thanks to Alan's heads-up below

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There are some ideas in that thread which may help. Post #14 worth taking in re cancelling stages of the scan.


Perhaps as a moderator your higher privileges give you access to post #14. :)


I can only see the first 4 posts of a topic entitled

Out of memory

Started by Drummer17, Sep 22 2011 09:05 AM


Perhaps that topic was truncated in collateral damage in a website hack a year or two ago.

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