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Just updated CCleaner and now I seem to have lost Chkdsk

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I just updated and ran CCleaner before defragging my partiioned hard drive. Now when I go to the defragger and try to analyse the 'C' partition it tells me that Chkdsk is cheduled to run on this section and I should run Chkdsk /f but when I type that in run it appears to work as I don't get any error message but when I go back to try analyse the partition I get the same message again. None of the other partitiions have a problem just the C one. Can anyone help me with this as I never had this problem before I updated CCleaner today?


Thanks in anticipation.

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maybe the partition has the dirty flag set and just needs it cleared.

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maybe the partition has the dirty flag set and just needs it cleared.


I have never heard that term before (yea, I should get out more), so for any other uninitiated readers, some info about it including how to set or unset it ...




I'm sure mta won't mind me posting that.


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you are correct Dennis, I didn't mind at all.

if I had not been rushed I had intended to give more details, but figured the OP would have enough to go on from there.

so, thanks.

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