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Pre Use Question


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Hello All,


My question is will Recuva work recovering files/data on a floppy disk and allow me to save it to a different directory so that I may put it on a new floppy disk? I have a program that is dos based and company no longer sells the software. When I tried once to read it, I was getting error messages and to run scan disk to repair disk. Any suggestions before I start this process?





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Yes, Recuva works on floppy disks as I once had to use it on one of them myself although the floppy disk I had didn't produce any errors to run a disk error check so your results and/or luck may differ if it's actually disk damage causing the issue.

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@matt, it is a fairly common problem when trying to access old floppies (circa Win98) on XP and onwards PC's.

I've came across it many times, mainly when 2000 & XP came out.

the only way I've managed to access those floppies was to use the same floppy disc in the same floppy unit in the new PC.

because the data I was chasing was never too critical, I never pinpointed the exact cause, but I think it had something to do with head alignment, because if you let the PC reformat the disc, it was useable again.

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