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Recuva Software stuck on Step 2 Analysing Stage


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Hi Guys,

I am trying to recover file from external HDD 2TB and downloaded Recuva software on my friend recommendation

I had followed all relevant steps from this website but some how I am stuck on Analysing Step 2 (Please see attached Doc file

its shows completed 100% but its not taking me to recovery page ?? from past 8 hrs ??

Can you please help me and advised whats my next step?


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I can't open the images in that attached doc file so sadly can't refer to them.


As you mentioned in your pm, you've tried cancelling stage 2 and looking for files recovered up to that point, but without any success, and you haven't been able to reach stage 3 at all.


Can you give us some more details without compromising your privacy? Which type of files are you trying to find, and can you tell us what exactly has happened to the drive? That may be relevant in how you try to recover from it.



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Thanks hazel, and good spot with other stuff running at the same time. Never a good idea when scanning.


In fact, I notice a "Piriform Support - Request for assistance" item running. That obviously suggests that you have the Pro version of Recuva, which means as you've paid for it, official Piriform support is where you should be looking for help with this.


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