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defraggler use to be faster


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hello. i have been using defragler for a long time now and the remaining time used to start at around 45 minutes. now with the newest version the remaning time is around 2-6 hours. why is it slower then it used to be instead of faster? thanks i know you could say the computer is more fragmented now then before but its not and it never use to say 6 hours remaining no matter how fragmented it was.

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I'm sorry to say that something terrible has happened to defraggler. I've been using it for quite a few years and it was always pretty good. Now the time to run a defrag is terrible. Plus the the time reporting left is absolutely worthless. Not to mention defraggler seems to really report system volume information as horribly fragmented. I've deleted all restore points (which includes volume info) and started new. After a few hours it is back to a terrible fragmented state. I'm talking from 15 to 25 percent of my hard drive and many GB of size. Yet, windows defrag shows no such thing. I also downloaded another defrag utility and it also shows no such thing. In fact, where defraggler takes from 2 to 3 hours to run, my new trial program does it in 25 to 30 seconds. And it does a good job. I analize with defraggler and see maybe 30 to 40 MB, run the other program for 24 seconds, then analize with defraggler again, and it shows 0 at 0 percent. Somebody has completely ruined what used to be a pretty good program. When defraggler started acting this way, I opted to not create restore points. But now, I can go back to restore points as the program I have now knows how to handle them. I also notive on these boards that many others are experiencing the same thing as I am which tells me you have a huge problem with your program.

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Are you just hitting the DEFRAG button after ANALYSING a partition? Don't do that because DF tends to fully consolidate all space alongside defragmenting. This can take up a huge amount of time to complete, even for small sized partitions. Many users prefer to defrag individual files from the FILE LIST (selecting the first tick box selects all by the way).


Also keep in mind that Windows internal Defragmenter excludes a lot of things even for its report. It doesn't take into account SVI files for instance and It doesn't even bother to defragment some other files. So its defragmentation report isn't accurate at all. There are also some settings under Defraggler configuration that allow you to exclude some files and even stop VSS that tends to create huge restore points prior to defragment and thus increases the perceived amount of fragmentation reported.

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I thank you very much for your detailed answer to my post. Guess I've been using the program in the wrong mannner for the last couple of years. I've been doing exactly what you mentioned. Woe is me, created a lot of headaches for myself. Wish there was somekind of pdf manual that we could download to fully understand the implications of all the options like the VSS option. Have no idea of even what that is. Guess I'll play around a little and see what I can figure out. Thanks again for your informative post.

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