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Large files left after defrag, Windows 7

New Win 7 User

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I've just run defraggler on my new Win 7 system. It tells me there are three files left, one as large as 1.6GB, in the system folder. Tried to defrag the individual file, nothing changes. The three files are in the system information folder, and have very long alpha numeric names.


Anybody have any idea what they might be, and how to get rid of them?


It stumps me how I could be 7% fragmented!


I'm running version 2.00.230(64bit)


Thanks in advance


I may be new to Win 7, but have used Defraggler for several years.

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If you're referring to SVI then this is the storage area for System Restore's restore points (files and registry backups).

Defraggler is known to cause Windows to create restore points which you can clear with Ccleaner or by turning off / on System Restore.


Richard S.

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If you're referring to SVI then this is the storage area for System Restore's restore points (files and registry backups).

Defraggler is known to cause Windows to create restore points which you can clear with Ccleaner or by turning off / on System Restore.


Richard S.


Ran CCcleaner and registry, then ran defrag again. Same problem exists.


Here is one of the files:




it tells be it has 8 fragments and is 1,643,936KB, located in C:/System Volume Information


Please tell me more about turning on/off system restore

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Ran CCcleaner and registry, then ran defrag again. Same problem exists.


Here is one of the files:




it tells be it has 8 fragments and is 1,643,936KB, located in C:/System Volume Information


Please tell me more about turning on/off system restore


Don't worry about those files, they're System Volume Information used for the System Restore. They'll get deleted when the System Protection system recovers the space (you can adjust the amount set aside in Win7 from Control Panel System Systerm Protection). 8 fragments for a 1.5 GB file is NOT a problem.


If you are sure you won't need to recover from past restore point you can turn off System Restore temporarily, before you defrag. In CCcleaner you can in Tools System Restore delete all but the last Restore point.


The high fragmentation figure 7% is just a result of the way it's calculated, large files fragmented into a few huge chunks because of their size increase the fragmentation figure, far more than small files split into hundreds of pieces.


The headline fragmentation % as it stands, just isn't very useful predictor of performance issues.

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