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Ran CCleaner, now can't log into Yahoo, please help


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Hi, I've been using Ccleaner with no problems since about April. I don't use the registry cleaner part, just the part that clears IE and Firefox and some other things.


I ran it last night and this morning, I can't log into my Yahoo email account. I believe the problem is on my end, because my boyfriend can log into his on his computer. The rest of the internet works fine.


I'm running Windows 2003, if that makes a difference. I've already rebooted it twice to see if that would help -- nope.


Any advice on how to fix this would be appreciated, I use that account for work!

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Please explain what you mean by can't?


do you mean


you type in your username and password and yahoo tells you {Please Fill in this Blank}


do you mean


you sign into yahoo and suddenly the browser closes (no seriously, this was just this week happening to a coworker)


do you mean something else if so Please describe exactly what is occuring


Please also tell us the version of windows and what browser you are using and weather you just ran the cleaner section or if you also ran the registry section


also do you mean the yahoo website, or yahoo IM program?




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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I can get to the main yahoo website, but when I click "mail" to go to login, I get an error page that says "problem loading page" and "the server at mail.yahoo is taking too long to respond."


I did try logging into Yahoo instant messenger and got the same thing.


I'm mostly doing this in Firefox, but I tried it in IE also (which, incidentally, seems to have disappeared from my start menu) and got an error message there as well.


I just ran the cleaner section, NOT the registry section.


My computer (an old one) runs Windows XP, version 2002.

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I can get to the main yahoo website, but when I click "mail" to go to login, I get an error page that says "problem loading page" and "the server at mail.yahoo is taking too long to respond."


I did try logging into Yahoo instant messenger and got the same thing.


I'm mostly doing this in Firefox, but I tried it in IE also (which, incidentally, seems to have disappeared from my start menu) and got an error message there as well.


I just ran the cleaner section, NOT the registry section.


My computer (an old one) runs Windows XP, version 2002.


What version of FF do you have? If it is an older one, have you tried uninstalling it & installing the newer 3.6.8 one from filehippo.com?

Newer versions sometimes work better. I am not sure how long IE6 (XP default) will be supported by websites, or maybe 1.5 series of Firefox.


Additionally, have you installed/removed/added/ran any security programs/firewalls etc when it stopped working? Used a hosts file block list? Downloaded a "yahoo ad blocker" that uses the hosts file?


If you got into active-x based malware or fake security popups, sometimes they install "website specific" blockers or redirects. If you suspect you have malware, there is a link in the spyware section here that may be able to help.


If you have restore points, you may be able to system restore back to when it was working.


If you still have problems, please post back here.



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