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spybot removed

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You need to give more info when you post on a forum for the first time :)


What operating system are you using?


Which build of ccleaner?


On a normal clean there is no way ccleaner can remove a program.


Did you just run the cleaner (paintbrush) or did you do a registry clean as well (issues)?


Did you use the uninstall area of the tools section of ccleaner?


Do you have any other problems at the moment?


Are all your virus/malware scans clean and definitions up to date?


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I have windows xp. I just downloaded the new version of ccleaner tonight and ran it.It said that it removed spybot, but I just tried to run spybot and it ran and showed no problems, so I guess it didn't remove it after all. What do you mean by running the "cleaner (paintbrush)". I did not do a registry clean also. I have no other problems at this time. Thank you for replying to my question.

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What it removed will have been the old spybot log files. No worries there.


Glad to hear you didn't do a registry clean, it's best to leave that area alone until you are more used to the program and knowledgable about the registry.


The ccleaner (paintbrush icon in ccleaner program) is just the standard area of ccleaner that most folk use.


Perhaps you might like to have a read of the online documentation just to give you a bit more info.




Any questions or things you are unsure of just ask and someone will try to help.


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