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Program Colors


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When a program uses Background Window color it must also use Foreground text color.

When a program uses 3D Color, it must also use Foreground text color.


I really get tired of applications that make me change my Desktop settings just to read the text inside them. And really, if an application can't follow a few simple Windows programming practices, why should we trust it to do something thats as high of a risk as purging the registry.

Well I attempted to attach a picture, but this board apparently will only let pictures be attached that are stored in the root of a site. It claims the following is an invalid "extension" :P

IMG] http://ca.geocities.com/crashnbrn71/CCleaner.gif[/img

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Well I attempted to attach a picture, but this board apparently will only let pictures be attached that are stored in the root of a site. It claims the following is an invalid "extension"





You can use your forum account for attaching images, etc., however I think there's a 500kb limit.


There's also two sites which many forum users use for hosting images (they even include the code already made for you for posting images):

* http://www.imageshack.us/

* http://xs.to/

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