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System hangs at 21% whenrunning v2.32.1165

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As per title, since installing v2.32.1165, my system -Win XP inc SP3- hangs, once 21% of the cleaning process is indicated. It does so when including Empty Recycle Bin is included in the cleaning process. Another odd effect, is that it causes a prompt, one that informs me that a read/write error has occurred with an external HDD, and that information has been lost. Thus far, I do not appear to have lost anything as reported.


Prior to this, I was using v.2.29.1111, without any problem whatsoever, then made the transition to the latest. I have to say, in so doing, I broke the habit of a lifetime. I have found that in so doing, I have been bitten by bugs more times than I care to remember. So it has been since upgrading to the latest incarnation of CCleaner. You may have guessed, my days as a beta tester are long over.


Forunately, I have an old copy of v.2.29.111 and have reverted to it.


My question is, where can I obtain other, later releases, those not including the very latest?


Thanking you in anticipation.

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I may have misunderstood your last sentence. Were you wanting to know where you can download older version of ccleaner?


If so, see here mariner




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