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reappearing of deleted files

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dear sirs,i am using ersion afteranalysing and rnning cleaner, when i start again the analyse, the same files displayed as to be removed files.

earlier(the same version) it was not like that. Itused to show zero files to be removed.what would be the probable cause of this



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Can you say what operating system you use please, also what are the files that are listed as not deleted?


If you reboot after cleaning, and then run analyse are they still there then?


i am using windows xp-sp3.earlier the version was working alright. today only i find this problem. i have uninstalled cleaner.

downloaded from piriform.com and the result was same. even after rebooting the reault is same.files listed are "system recycle bin



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i am using windows xp-sp3.earlier the version was working alright. today only i find this problem. i have uninstalled cleaner.

downloaded from piriform.com and the result was same. even after rebooting the reault is same.files listed are "system recycle bin



ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.057 secs)


398.0 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)



Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


System - Empty Recycle Bin 407,527 KB 18 files


Empty Recycle Bin (18 files) 407,527 KB


this is repeating again and again

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ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.057 secs)


398.0 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)



Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


System - Empty Recycle Bin 407,527 KB 18 files


Empty Recycle Bin (18 files) 407,527 KB


this is repeating again and again


if on second time cleaner is applis the report is as follows

CLEANING COMPLETE - (2.721 secs)


398.0 MB removed.



Details of files deleted


Windows Explorer - Recent Documents 1 KB 1 files

System - Empty Recycle Bin 407,531 KB 19 files

Firefox/Mozilla - Internet Cache 0 KB 0 files

Utilities - AVG AntiVirus 9.0 7 KB 2 files


C:\Documents and Settings\mohan\Recent\log.txt.lnk 1 KB

Empty Recycle Bin (19 files) 407,531 KB

Firefox/Mozilla cache cleaning was skipped.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\avg9\Log\avglng.log 5 KB

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\avg9\Log\avgns.log 2 KB

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If you look in the recycle bin are there any files there?


Do they add up to the amount shown?


Will they delete manually from the recycle bin?


recycle bin is empty and also history. i think it deletes everything asked for.only the display shows as above.


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recycle bin is empty and also history. i think it deletes everything asked for.only the display shows as above.



the recycle bin appears to be empty.

In recycle bin when i click empty recycle bin 18 files were visible.Manually deleted the files with UN locker assistant

after that it appears cleaner is working OK .That is after running the cleaner, zero bytes to be removed, appears.

looks like the problem is solved. But the question is whyit happened in the first place.

If possible reasons can be discuused, i may learn something.Thanks for the prompt advise.


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Bit hard to work out why really as we don't know what the files were, or the circumstances of how they were put into the bin.


The important thing is that you have now managed to delete them :)


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