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Deleted files keeps pilling up


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I was using CC227 to cleanup a 7G+ iso file(a game) together with some routine junk from my browser(firefox)...eventually it reached 24% and started working on the iso file..while waiting for it to finish i burned some files on a dvdr about 4G worth after 10mins it was done but the cleaner was still stuck on 24%, i canceled it then looked at the recycle bin and it was empty but when i looked at the drive's memory, containing the iso file before, nothing changed.


I tried cleaning it up again but it prompted a new update so i updated my CC227 to CC230 then used it again but when analyzing this time the summary doesn't include the 7G but still i continue until it reached "E:\$Recycle.Bin\(name of the iso file)" at 24% after it took quite a while before it was finished. Only the analyzed value was cleaned up. But to my surprise i checked the memory of E: and there was an increase of 7G+. Then i tried downgrading to CC227 and using it resulting in another 7G+ increase. I was busy at that time and just left it at that. Now another update CC231 hoping that this anomaly was fixed i tried using it resulting in another 7G+ increase. Now there's a total 22G of unaccounted junk. Anybody know how to fix this??Without reformatting..please!

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