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Fragmented files increased


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I downloaded Defragler yesterday and ran it last night. When I analyzed my system before defraging, it said it was 30% fragmented. This morning when I came to check it, it said I was now at 48% fragmented. Something certainly isn't right here. Is there anything I can do? It's a nice looking, simple program- I would love to be able to use it properly. (I have Vista Ultimate) Thanks.

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Please do the following :

  • Analyze the drive
  • Select all fragmented files in the File List tab, and click "Defrag selected"
  • Analyze the drive again
  • Copy/Paste here the content of the File List tab (= the files that couldn't be defragmented)

Piriform French translator

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Thank you for the fast reply. :-) I did an analysis and this is what it said: 30 Fragmented files 95.9 GB

359 Total fragments

52% fragmented.

I opened the file tab and selected the files there and clicked defrag. It did it's thing and then this is what it said when I ran another analysis... 2 Fragmented files 95.9 GB

46 Total fragments

52% fragmented.

The number of fragmented files and total number fragments changed, but the size of the files and percent of the files did not. And the screen has a lot of red boxes that should be blue I am assuming. Am I to assume that the program is basically running right and defragmenting my hard drive even though the numbers and legend aren't right?

The 2 flies that are left are Systems Volume Information Files that I can't copy and paste.

Like I said, every time I run this program the file size (GB) and the percent fragmented go up.

Thanks again for your help.

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Those are System Restore Points. You can't defrag them.

Add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll need to enable view of System files in Windows Explorer's Folder Options).;)

Piriform French translator

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Done, thank you. I added System Volume Information to my excluded list.

So everything else is ok then I'm assuming? There is just a glitch that keeps showing the wrong percentage of fragmented files and the file size of fragmented files?

Thanks again.

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