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all restore points deleted


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Hi everydbody, I'm new to the forum and to the tool.

Yesterday after an upgrade from Microsoft, using reflagger I discovered I had +10% free space on Hard disc!

It's the second time!

ALL restore points GONE!

I have a pc 133 512Mb Ram, XP SP3 with a lot of programs.(may be too much!)

I don't Know if it's due to a malfunction of Ccleaner or if it's due to the low capability of the flash memory or a limitation of the motherboard.

Can U help me?



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Which version of Windows are you using ?

From your specs, I think it's Win95 or 98 ?


Possibly another user using WFS and it being interrupted?



To the op: download http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/windirstat/windirstat/1.1.2%20installer%20re-release%20%28more%20languages%21%29/windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe?use_mirror=surfnet


it's a great utility that will show you where all your space is being taken up.

No fate but what we make

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