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MRUs (Most Recently Used) lists

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I would like to see CCleaner have an option to clear all MRUs (Most Recently Used) lists on the computer. I have been running a product called MRU-Blaster for some time. This program is helpful for maintaining privacy on a computer since it will delete all MRU lists. It must be simple since it has not been updated since 2004. If CCleaner had an option to clear the MRUs then I would not need to retain the MRU Blaster and install it everytime a obtain a new computer or help someone else "clean" their computer.


I have verified that CCleaner does not do this by running CCleaner and then the MRU-Blaster. MRU-Blaster finds many (hundreds) of lists and clears them. I have looked for an option but could not locate any. I am currently running CCleaner version 2.31.1153 on Windows XP & 7. Thanks!

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You can't simply add them all - or you'd have to search for "MRU" or something like that in the Registry, and it'd be dangerous if there are any false positives.

The Piriform devs will need to know each and every location where MRUs are stored.

Try Winapp2.ini (can be downloaded from a sticky thread in this forum) - you can even add your own entries if you want.

Piriform French translator

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