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Custom cache location for FF not cleaned


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Hello, in Firefox it's possible to change the location of the cache by accessing directly the configuration. Type


in the address bar, click to dismiss the warning and go to




If it doesn't exist, you can create an entry of type string with that name and assign a value. For example, I have as value


then FF puts the temporary files inside J:\inetcache\firefox\Cache


The problem is that CCleaner doesn't read this value and then it leaves this directory unmodified. I have to use a custom folder, but I would prefer that CCleaner automatically pick this location, since it's a documented way to change the place for temporary files in FF.


I'm using CCleaner v2.28.1091 so I think there's no new version. Thanks.

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Thanks for your reply.

Apparently this is to control a custom location for the profile.

My FF profile didn't move.

I only used an option (not surfaced through the GUI in Toold|Options) to change the location of the temp files. If CCleaner was able to read that, it could know the location without any customization.

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Apparently this is to control a custom location for the profile.

I agree and they didn't explain (for me) how and where to make the change to: CustomLocation1=FIREFOX|C:MyFirefoxProfile

I have moved my location of my profile ie using a different default profile, plus changes the cache to another location


I only used an option (not surfaced through the GUI in Toold|Options) to change the location of the temp files.

I don't understand that - please explain


If CCleaner was able to read that, it could know the location without any customization.


I changed the cache location via about:config , adding preference name: browser.cache.disk.parent_directory , value: path


So seems CCLEANER needs to take default profile location, overridden by any preference directory

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I wrote:

I only used an option (not surfaced through the GUI in Toold|Options) to change the location of the temp files.


I don't understand that - please explain


I was referring to the browser.cache.disk.parent_directory entry that you can't set through the menu options in Firefox.

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