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Alternatives to explorer


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Not a browser but explorer. It's for my mp3. It's the easiest way to order things, but explorer has a habbit of crashing when viewing the content.


Ideas, suggestions......

No fate but what we make

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A bloated media player with folder views built in. However they may just be using the Explorer.exe process for this.


If you want to know all sorts of statistics about your mp3's and other audio you could give Foobar2000 a try, you can even have the installer extract it as a portable version which won't register any filetypes, etc. And even if the default way it looks isn't to your fancy there's bound to be a plugin for it or theme.

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A bloated media player with folder views built in. However they may just be using the Explorer.exe process for this.


If you want to know all sorts of statistics about your mp3's and other audio you could give Foobar2000 a try, you can even have the installer extract it as a portable version which won't register any filetypes, etc. And even if the default way it looks isn't to your fancy there's bound to be a plugin for it or theme.

This! I personally use this, it's nice to be able to sort and search by different criteria such a label, year, artist, etc (anything really). It will require lots of configuration, but you can sort playlists by any criteria you want, you can also browse folders in a list view with a standard component, or try out the "Facets" component.
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Thanks all. Just trying xenon, but think i might try make a little something of my own.


I have tryed using media players before to sort my music out, but i just dont get on with them.

No fate but what we make

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I have tryed using media players before to sort my music out, but i just dont get on with them.

If you mean how iTunes and WMP sort they're both in my opinion weird, Foobar2000 however doesn't sort in a weird fashion.

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If you mean how iTunes and WMP sort they're both in my opinion weird, Foobar2000 however doesn't sort in a weird fashion.


In that case il give it a look & report back

No fate but what we make

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