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Stops at 13%


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I am running in advanced with search for non-deleted checked.


The harddrive is an external enclosure made from my old tower's main drive that gave me a S.M.A.R.T. warning when booting up and I am now just getting around to trying to recover it.


But like I said:


1. It sees the harddrive, although says "parameters not found" or similar error when I try to browse in it, just like explorer does(btw I am using 7 if that makes a difference)

2. It starts off pretty quick gets up to 13%

3. Says like 30 seconds left then just stops there and the estimated time left just continuously rises.


No matter what I am searching for, the folder name, or just pictures in general it gets stuck at 13%. Am I totally helpless in getting these photos off the drive?


If reuva can't save it from a damaged drive will any of the pay for programs do a better job?


Thanks for your time,


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It sounds like your drive has bad sectors you will need a tool to repair this otherwise you'll stick be stuck at 13%


I would recommend MHDD - http://hddguru.com/content/en/software/2005.10.02-MHDD/ it's a freeware low level sector scanner and repair tool.

When you start the program make sure "Remap" is set to "ON".


Richard S.

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Thanks Richard,


For what its worth I have let it run for a few hours now and it is up to 15%, but I think I am going to go ahead and use the low level repair tool you mentioned to see if that works. If not I will let recuva run until it gets a fatal error or something. :)


Thanks for the reply


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