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Todo? Auto updater


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Hi all,


First, What you do guys, awesome! wonderful collection of apps, just a musthave on a pc, that's why I recommend this to friend and family ;)


But, there is just 1 major downside, thats the update process, when there is a new version (and luckily this is often ;) ) you always have to go to the site, download the app and install it aiagn, and that's pretty annoying whem you use all 3 programs on 4 machines in my house. so I have to do this 12 times!


So: wouldn't it be nice to build an auto-update feature in CCleaner (and if it is possible all other) such a auto-update feeling like firefox for example, so you can say, download and install on your own, or the old way of saying, Hey! there is an update available!


Kind regards


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It would be nice to here one of the makers of ccleaners reason to why, they have not done this or the downside of them building it in.


Because this gets asked weekly but it seems no one knwos the reasonsd to why and cannot give a proper answer

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It would be nice to here one of the makers of ccleaners reason to why, they have not done this or the downside of them building it in

Well they have said why but I'm pretty sure they got fed up of answering the same thing all the time, year after year, when a search would probably find the answer. Which, in a word, is bandwidth.

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Cheers jd i had wondered.


But if this was the case they could possible take on a spybot approach? share the load over multiple free servers

No fate but what we make

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