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Extended Startup EXE information

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Many times people do not know whether to turn on or off a startup program. You should add a column which either popups a tool tip with extended information about the start-up exe in question or links to a website or search engine query on the selected startup exe. This will help make the startup enable/disable/delete more actionable for people that to not know so much about computers. Furthermore, even people that know about computers would appreciate the ease-of-use it could bring.


I know its not a very important feature, but I feel it could really make the start-up section more immediately actionable


Thanks! Great tool regardless. Wrote a review on my site if you are interested.


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To display a balloon tip for the exe would be impossible to achieve. There is probably over a billion exe and god knows how many unlisted ones.


Send a search query to a site like http://www.processlibrary.com/ would be usefull

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