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Restore List not populating


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Hi Peter, and welcome to Piriform.


I've an easy answer for that one. It's a feature I haven't and wouldn't use, but I've just noticed mine does the same with XP SP3. Previously populated OK.


Is it doing the same with other OS's I wonder?


So it's over to the devs I think.

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It is turned on as I did a Disk Cleanup yesterday, with one Restore Point remaining which wasn't showing up.


So I've switched Sys Restore off completely, and then back on again. I now have one Restore Point showing.


No apology needed Augeas, restarting it has done whatever was needed, although I have to admit, I hate System Restore with a passion.

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Hi, thanks for the responses, are you saying that if I re-install v2.23, stop restore from the control panel then start it again then ccleaner will populate as normal.


Nope, I'm not saying that, as I can't tell you to lose all your restore points, which is what happens if you switch System Restore off.


My PC has a very unreliable System Restore, which is why I regularly clean it out. In my case I was only losing a 1 day old restore point, and switching it off and back on did the trick for me, but that is probably down to my iffy System Restore.


Of course there's nothing to stop you trying that, but it isn't a suggested fix. It simply kick started the CCleaner display into populating in my particular case.

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Nope, I'm not saying that, as I can't tell you to lose all your restore points, which is what happens if you switch System Restore off.


My PC has a very unreliable System Restore, which is why I regularly clean it out. In my case I was only losing a 1 day old restore point, and switching it off and back on did the trick for me, but that is probably down to my iffy System Restore.


Of course there's nothing to stop you trying that, but it isn't a suggested fix. It simply kick started the CCleaner display into populating in my particular case.



I too did not have a system restore log anywhere... I could create one and look and yes it was there.. then run ccleaner and poof!.. it was gone!


I finally discovered it happens when you have "Empty Recycle bin" ticked under system....... what gives????


I see this as a definate bug....


I run Win xp pro.

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After running v22 while the replies were coming in I decided to re-install v23 with a view to trying to stop and start restore to re-populate but when I opened v23 the list was populated. Either a quirk introduced by v22 or @just one of those things@


Thanks all

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Fortunately I had a 5 month old Ghost of my system... because when I "really" needed restore.. it wasn't there... when I brought up my system from the ghost image, I noted the same anomally with the version of CC I had on that older image... it was version 2.18.


Since CC works off a thumbdrive, I commonly update it on my thumbdrive and then just copy it to my hardrive and it works fine, but then I thought after reading how one of the later versions "removed the option" to delete the latest system restore that maybe a true install would make the difference... it didn't.


Bottom line CC has a bug!


If you don't want to delete all your system restore logs, "don't" check to clean the recycle bin.


Funny thing is even when its checked, it shows very little being removed if the recycle bin was already empty, but it sure deletes the system restore!!!


The indication of whats being deleted is also false and deceptive.


CC is doing things behind the scenes that are not reflected in the monitor of logs....


This shatters my trust in CC even though I"ve used it for a couple of years now.



I can't gripe for something that is free, I guess I can't expect them to stay on top of all the issues with no money!

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