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Clean Other Accounts As Well

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I've noticed CCleaner only cleans my account's files, even though the other accounts' files are visible on mine. I hate having to log into all three accounts in order to clean all the temporary Firefox files.


Also, I'd love it if you clean Zune temporary files, much like Windows Disk Cleanup can do. Probably not a priority, since Zune isn't anywhere near mainstream, but I'd still love it.

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I've noticed CCleaner only cleans my account's files, even though the other accounts' files are visible on mine. I hate having to log into all three accounts in order to clean all the temporary Firefox files.


Also, I'd love it if you clean Zune temporary files, much like Windows Disk Cleanup can do. Probably not a priority, since Zune isn't anywhere near mainstream, but I'd still love it.



If you can see it and delete it, then so can CCleaner - BUT NOT AS A DANGEROUS DEFAULT.


To delete the other users files just specify them in Options / Include

and check the box against Advanced / Custom Files and Folders




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Sorry, but I cannot agree with either view



I use the portable version of CCleaner which uses safe CCleaner.ini instead of the Registry minefield

CCleaner.ini holds items such as :-

Include11=PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*

Include12=FILE|C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\|dbg_LMI_proc.txt


Include11= item obeys your idea, all the Flash Player files and sub-folders are removed, just what I want

Include12= item is different, it ONLY removes the one specified file dbg_LMI_proc.txt, leaving intact 69 other files and 6 subfolders held within ...\LogMeIn\



I see two technical advantages to prefer cleaning before shut-down instead of after start-up :-


a) I like to view the analysis before I execute, and if the analysis has something I was not expecting I have a fair chance of remembering what I did an hour or two earlier and recognise whether I caused the junk, or alternatively decide to suspend execution until further investigation.

If I did the cleaning after start-up I would have to remember what I did the day before. I have a faithful memory that can remember WHAT I did, but WHEN is a little fuzzy.


B) Where each user has profile that is private from others (unlike Galinkinlin), given "X" user profiles, if each user runs CCleaner before shut-down, then for any user at start-up there should be no junk anywhere. The system is clean, and EVERY profile is clean.

If each user only runs CCleaner after start-up, then all "X" profiles will hold junk, and (along with the system) only the current users profile can be cleaned. There could easily be a GB of ancient junk stuck in the Firefox caches of many user profiles.



I see a massive benefit in cleaning at shut-down,

but it is so important I consider it needs a separate thread (or new forum).

Look out for an up-coming topic "Protect against Unexpected Update disasters".




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