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Question on CCleaner delete


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If you have left the default settings then this should be quite safe and beneficial (just click Run CCleaner).. Steer clear from registry clean until you are more confident.

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If you have left the default settings then this should be quite safe and beneficial (just click Run CCleaner).. Steer clear from registry clean until you are more confident.



So are the docs and items actually being removed? It just confused me a little as they said to be deleted.

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  • Moderators

What's in the list will be removed, but I think you will find that they are .lnk files or similar, which are shortcuts etc. No 'good' files will be removed, unless you keep them in temp internet files or other temp folders, which would be silly.

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If you haven't really touched other settings, and it is the Default ones, I can say it is pretty safe! :)


The Registry is a different thing. Don't touch that :blink:

Simplicity is hard.

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