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Registry Cleaner Needs to be Run Multiple Times

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I read the pinned topic but I don't believe it's the problem I'm having. If it is, perhaps a more detailed explanation in that topic is necessary.


Every machine that I've installed CCleaner on has this problem, regardless of which hardware/OS is on the machines. When I run the registry scanner, then clean out everything it finds, I can run the scanner again immediately (5-10 seconds) after it says it's finished fixing all the problems, it finds about half of them again. I run the cleaner over and over and eventually it removes every entry.


This has been an issue with CCleaner since I started using it (~8 months ago) and continues to be a problem in even the newest version. I hope that this problem can be fixed soon, I use this great software ALL the time!


Thanks for the great software!

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It's a problem/feature with many registry cleaning programs. You remove something, then run the scan again and there will be more references. It's not necessarily a bug in my views, but more of an issue of removing a registry entry then finding other things that originally pointed to it, take for example CLSID entries.

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  • 8 years later...
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this is a 9 year old thread.....

times have changed, running a reg cleaner is next to useless.
no performance or space will be gained.

official MS line here; https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities

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