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Too many files to delete


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Hi, I have 2 questions. First a short story of my problem. A week ago, my computer got damaged so I could not use or redownload my antivirus software. I use Registry mechanic and CCleaner. So I don't know if some needed file was removed. I had to format my computer and redownload my XP/SP2 software. Last night I redownloaded and rum Restry Mechanic. Today, I redownloaded and run CCleaner. Now this is my problem. When I run the Cleaner I get hundreds of files to be removed. I must have at least 100 files from my Easy Media Creator alone. Here is my first question: How is it possible that I have so many unneeded files on a computer that has been so recently formatted?

Second question: If I save the log of the files CCleaner deletes, is there a way to return them to where they belong if they are needed? Thanks for any response.

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Hi, I have 2 questions. First a short story of my problem. A week ago, my computer got damaged so I could not use or redownload my antivirus software. ? Thanks for any response.

Hi emm,

It is nice to see you back.

From what you describe your computer system may be infested by some serious malware.

Do not delete any files !!!


If I had your problem I would immediately go to this link and follow its instructions to get help from our Spyware Hell forum.


Good luck and come back anytime after that.

:) davey

P.S. CCleaner does not back up any deleted files.

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Thanks Davey for your response. Is it possible that my computer may be infected when I just started clean after formatting a week ago? I also have AVG 8 with antispyware running in it. Could it be that there is something wrong with my CCleaner? Now I tried to restore the files I had backed up from the registry. Although the window says it was restored successfully to the registry, when I go and scan the registry for issues, it doesn't show any. So, it looks like the backed up files where not restored at all. Is there some way to make them go back another way other then clicking the icon of my saved Registry entries? Thanks for any advice <_<



Hi emm,

It is nice to see you back.

From what you describe your computer system may be infested by some serious malware.

Do not delete any files !!!


If I had your problem I would immediately go to this link and follow its instructions to get help from our Spyware Hell forum.


Good luck and come back anytime after that.

:) davey

P.S. CCleaner does not back up any deleted files.

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Thanks for any advice <_<

Hi emm,

Did you reboot after restoring those registry entries ?


You may not be infected BUT !!!

Your system can be infected before you reformat and then reinfect afterwards.

Have you also tried a scan with Malwarebytes ? Believe me you can go there download and do a Quick scan in less than 30 min. I did it my first time in 15 minutes. I use it almost every day. It is good to have on your PC and up to date anyway. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php


Also do an online scan at ESET.

http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ ESET Online Scanner


Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. Restoring the registry changes only restores the registry issues. It does not restore data files.

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Hi emm,

Did you reboot after restoring those registry entries ?


You may not be infected BUT !!!

Your system can be infected before you reformat and then reinfect afterwards.

Have you also tried a scan with Malwarebytes ? Believe me you can go there download and do a Quick scan in less than 30 min. I did it my first time in 15 minutes. I use it almost every day. It is good to have on your PC and up to date anyway. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php


Also do an online scan at ESET.

http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ ESET Online Scanner


Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. Restoring the registry changes only restores the registry issues. It does not restore data files.




Thanks, I will do the scan you suggest after I send this. And yes, I did restore. I just want to restore the issues I had backed up. Since I just downloaded CC yesterday, I only have one back up. But I can't restore it now. When I did the backup, I change the name on it. Could that be the reason I can't restore it. I haven't seen anything about that in the Begginers Guide.

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It is OK to rename it but the last part of the name should be .reg or you have to right click and select Open with then select Registry edit to open it. Using .reg is easier and the other way makes it harder for someone to accidentally restore it. It is up to you. After the restore you should reboot the PC

:) davey

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It is OK to rename it but the last part of the name should be .reg or you have to right click and select Open with then select Registry edit to open it. Using .reg is easier and the other way makes it harder for someone to accidentally restore it. It is up to you. After the restore you should reboot the PC

:) davey


Thanks for helping Davey, I will try that now.

I wanted to let you know what happened a the end. I run the Malwarebytes, and did a virus scan, and nothing was found. I run another registry scan, again and saved. This time I was able to restore the issues with no trouble. I did this only to see if it worked. The first saved file I had on my previous scan, I don't know what happened to that, I was never able to restore that one again. Maybe it lost something when I change its name, and transferred it to my external hard drive for storage. On the Cleaner side, where I had all those many issues to delete, I figure they accumulated because when I redownloaded Windows, I also redownloaded various applications. Maybe the files of those applications where put in temporary folders before they got installed, and perhaps those held files where at least part of all those issues the cleaner pick up from the registry. Any way I went and deleted all of them, (sorry that was contrary to your advice) and I don't seem to be missing anything yet. Cross my fingers! Thanks for your time in helping me solve these issues.

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