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Cannot get CCleaner to delete Yahoo Messenger


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would greatly appreciate any help from more knowledgeable forum members about not being able to get CCleaner to delete my Yahoo Messenger files.


I use Yahoo Messenger a lot and want to create a "1-click" deletion by CCleaner so I added the following as an Include item under Options :




But this does not seem to work at all.


I run Vista Home Premium SP1. I have tried running/adding the above both in normal fashion and also as Administrator but it seems to make no difference.


Is it possible to use CCleaner to delete Yahoo Messenger files ? And, if so, what am I doing wrong ?


Many thanks in advance for help.

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Have you tried the beta version for Vista? This would allow you to avoid using virtualization. Aside from that I noticed in your path you have forward slashes? Also a missing space in Program Files. Also, the *.* will remove all files in that folder but not subfolders. So this wouldnt clean anything in the 'profiles' subfolder.




C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\*.*


Example CCleaner.ini entry to clean Messenger folder and subfolders (removes all files)

Include1=PATH|C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger|*.*|RECURSE


Once again many thanks for getting back to me so quickly.


The mistakes in the path are my typos. As I was unable to cut and paste from the Include section of CCleaner I tried to type it out for my original post here - with notable failure. Apologies !!


The correct path is in the Include as I got it by using the Add Folder button to the right of the Include box. The *.* seems to get added automatically.


I have not yet tried the new beta 9 version of yahoo messenger as I heard it had some bugs in it.


Unfortunately I do not know what you mean when you say "avoid using virtualisation"


Your continued help on this is greatly appreciated and once again sorry for my ignorance ( I am a "silver surfer" with somewhat limited knowledge !!)

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Ah thanks D. I always take for granted the obvious and figure its a given :D


OMG - I feel like an absolute idiot !! And no doubt am !!


I did not realise I also had to check the "Custom" box in the Windows/Advanced section.


Have now done so and checked twice by logging in and out of Yahoo Messenger to chat with a friend. On each occasion CCleaner worked its usual magic !! And it does not seem to affect the operation of Messenger at all.


My apologies to you both as well as of course my sincere thanks.


Btw, any idea when a new version of CCleaner to wipe Chrome will be available ?

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  • 3 months later...



I was trying this as I want CCleaner to delete ALL chats permanently from sites I've visited on the laptop I share with others but wasn't successful.


If I read this correctly, you add a FOLDER and not a FILE to do this consitely...


My problem was in loacting the FOLDER name beyond the C:\Users\Username. Nothing shows for me as far as AppData and the rest following.


I CAN see some of the string when I try to add a FILE as a custom dleetion.


Can anyone help? Basically all I'm trying to accomplish is peace of mind that the chats are GONE from the laptop...

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The mistakes in the path are my typos. As I was unable to cut and paste from the Include section of CCleaner I tried to type it out for my original post here - with notable failure. Apologies !!


Here is a much easier way :-




Almost ANYTHING which appears on the screen can be copied and pasted with that tool.


My include section is


String Value

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WindowsLiveInstaller\Temp\*.* 0

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Local Settings\Temp\*.* 0

C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temp\*.* 0

C:\Documents and Settings\Guest\Local Settings\Temp\*.* 0

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temp\*.* 0

C:\Documents and Settings\suzanne\Local Settings\temp\*.* 0

C:\temp\*.* 0

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\*.* 0


An alternative option gives



String : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WindowsLiveInstaller\Temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\Local Settings\Temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\Documents and Settings\Guest\Local Settings\Temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\Documents and Settings\suzanne\Local Settings\temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\temp\*.*

Value : 0




String : C:\WINDOWS\Temp\*.*

Value : 0





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