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Custom files/folders not being cleaned.


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As per the title. No matter what i do, the folder just won't empty.


The folder is set to G:\download temp\*.*


Program bug?

Hi iarp,

Like Augeas says that option must be on in order for Include entries to work.






This will clean the files and folders that you add. It will list them in the big white box. On your right you have Add Folder, Add File, and Remove Folder. It also supports drag-and-drop, just drag the file or folder to the window and then you will be prompted to add or not.


Add Folder will add a folder to the custom clean list.


Add File will add a file to the custom clean list.


Remove Selected will remove a file or folder from the custom clean list.


In order to clean custom files or folders, you must have Advanced - Custom Files and Folders checked.


:) davey

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Thank-you, it works now.



As a suggestion from myself, most definitely change this, if someone adds a folder to the include list there is no need to have to check a box as well.

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Thank-you, it works now.



As a suggestion from myself, most definitely change this, if someone adds a folder to the include list there is no need to have to check a box as well.

Hi iarp,

You have to think about it a little bit and it makes sense.

Leave all your entries alone but turn off the option and presto they are not included in the cleaning

Think about it

Best wishes,

:) davey

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