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This is mostly dedicated to any Linux users out there :


What distro do you currently use?

Which Desktop Environment : Gnome/KDE/Xfce/Enlightenment?


And, the oddest question, but something warranting answering :


Have you tried Grub2 yet? [link here]


Thank you ahead of time for your answers.

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

RPG Codex - Putting the 'Role' back in RPG.

The Age of Decadence - A game everyone should look forward to.

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I'm not a "full time" linux user but I've been dabbling for a while now.

I prefer linux mint to all of the others out there(and i've tried all the major distros). Its basically ubuntu with better artwork and proprietary stuff like codecs and drivers. Its the easiest way to try linux and have everything just work.


I like gnome because it seems more stable than the others and its the easiest one to configure.

Kde looks better in my opinion but its tools to configure things are WAY more buggy and confusing to use.

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