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Vista Cookies Not Being Kept


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CCleaner running on my XP machine did a wonderful job of managing my IE7 cookies (and still does). However, I can't say the same for CCleaner running on my new Vista machine. It maintains the list of "Cookies to Keep" properly, but it quickly becomes obvious that none of those cookies are actually being kept.


Using Google's preferences, for example, I can set the cookie, see the cookie file on my hard drive and even open that file in a text editor. Then I open CCleaner, move it into the "Cookies to Keep" list, run CCleaner and the cookie file vanishes while still being in the list.


I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that something with Vista itself is to blame. I just thought I'd find out here if I'm alone with this problem and what, if anything, can be done about it.

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I dont have that problem. Running the latest CC under Vista Business 32 edition. I have about 50 cookies set to keep and they do remain. Are you using any other cleaning or maintenance utilities? Running the Disk Cleanup tool? In CC are you deleting the index.dat file?


I am not using any other cleaning utilities. And yes I am deleting the index.dat, although I've since unchecked that to no avail.


One thing that has me curious is that when I hit Analyze, it shows that CCleaner is about to delete cookies from two different locations...




When I move forum.piriform.com into the "Cookies to Keep" column and Analyze again, the first one (in \Roaming\) is still there to be deleted, but the second one (in \Local\) is not. This has me very confused, as I have no idea how, when or why IE7 decides where to store a cookie. However, I suspect that Vista and IE7 are both conspiring to twart me (maybe through some insidious UAC thing) and that CCleaner is unable to second guess the situation. Any thoughts?

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I am not using any other cleaning utilities. And yes I am deleting the index.dat, although I've since unchecked that to no avail.


One thing that has me curious is that when I hit Analyze, it shows that CCleaner is about to delete cookies from two different locations...




When I move forum.piriform.com into the "Cookies to Keep" column and Analyze again, the first one (in \Roaming\) is still there to be deleted, but the second one (in \Local\) is not. This has me very confused, as I have no idea how, when or why IE7 decides where to store a cookie. However, I suspect that Vista and IE7 are both conspiring to twart me (maybe through some insidious UAC thing) and that CCleaner is unable to second guess the situation. Any thoughts?

Hi Crapster,

I had the same situation with WinXp.Some how I had Cookies it seemed in 2 or 3 different places.

After making a few alterations at Shell Folders and User Shell Folders I think I got things straightened out.

However before doing so I backed up the Registry with ERUNT and took a manual System Restore point.

Things worked funny for a couple days but then things seemed to start working properly.

I don't recommend others doing this unless they have experience in how to get themselves out of trouble.

Maybe some more knowledgeable and experienced members can help out.

P.S. In this regard,I wouldn't doubt that there are differences between WinXP Pro and WinXP Home and maybe also WinXP Media Center My mind is open and ready to learn.


The accumulation of 3 1/2 yrs power outages, IE bugs, newbie level of experience etc brought me to CCleaner and this forum.

P.S. Oops! I forgot to mention absolutely no MS updates were done either. :wub:

Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. CCleaner always should be run with nothing else running.Otherwise strange things do appear.Appearances can be very misleading.

It basically comes down to a "timing" and "permissions" thing between various software.

Edited by davey
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I am not using any other cleaning utilities. And yes I am deleting the index.dat, although I've since unchecked that to no avail.


One thing that has me curious is that when I hit Analyze, it shows that CCleaner is about to delete cookies from two different locations...




When I move forum.piriform.com into the "Cookies to Keep" column and Analyze again, the first one (in \Roaming\) is still there to be deleted, but the second one (in \Local\) is not. This has me very confused, as I have no idea how, when or why IE7 decides where to store a cookie. However, I suspect that Vista and IE7 are both conspiring to twart me (maybe through some insidious UAC thing) and that CCleaner is unable to second guess the situation. Any thoughts?


I'm having the exact same problem and after being very happy with CCleaner's management of cookies under XP, since I've been using Vista the past few weeks, I've had to avoid using cookie cleaning so my logins for various sites won't keep getting removed. I hope a solution can be found so CCleaner will keep cookies no matter where or how many locations they are in.

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I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that something with Vista itself is to blame. I just thought I'd find out here if I'm alone with this problem and what, if anything, can be done about it.
I'm having the exact same problem and after being very happy with CCleaner's management of cookies under XP, since I've been using Vista the past few weeks, I've had to avoid using cookie cleaning so my logins for various sites won't keep getting removed. I hope a solution can be found so CCleaner will keep cookies no matter where or how many locations they are in.

Can you provide us with a little more information.

Are you running with Administrator privileges.


CCleaner version ?


OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


Browsers and ver.?


Security software and ver?


Thanks ,

:) davey

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Can you provide us with a little more information.

Are you running with Administrator privileges.


CCleaner version ?


OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


Browsers and ver.?


Security software and ver?


Thanks ,

:) davey


I'm using a normal user account in Vista Home Premium 32bit but with CCleaner set to run as administrator. I'm using the IE browser shell Maxthon v2. Windows Defender and Avira AntiVir are running but only for manual scans (automatic protection is disabled). My cookies are being stored in two folders:




If there's anything else I can help with to fix the problem, please let me know.

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I'm experiencing the same duplication of cookie placement.


My Vista configuration is pretty much standard with all MS components except I'm using AVG8 for Virus.

I changed my user account recently and have moved a lot of system items to different locations to minimize the amount of space on my relatively small C: partition. I only have one active (administrator) account on this machine.


If I can provide any extra info, please let me know.


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I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that something with Vista itself is to blame. I just thought I'd find out here if I'm alone with this problem and what, if anything, can be done about it.
If there's anything else I can help with to fix the problem, please let me know.
If I can provide any extra info, please let me know.


Just wanted to thank you guys for being good members.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs "the bug fixers" do read these forums.Your information is important.


:) davey Not a bug fixer.Just another member like you.

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We're looking into this issue. But are having problems replicating it.

If anyone has specific steps we can use then please post them :)




The only steps I can think to share are the ones I used in setting up my laptop. It's a new Dell with Vista Home Premium installed. I used IE to import my cookies from XP. At this point, CCleaner would work ok in keeping the cookies that I wanted to exclude from cleaning.


Then, I installed the browser shell I like, Maxthon, into a folder outside of C:\Program Files to avoid some UAC virtualization issues and put it into C:\Programs\Maxthon2. When I started using Maxthon I noticed none of my sites had my login info so after searching I realized there were 2 cookie locations being used: Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Cookies and the subfolder /Cookies/Low.


This is my current setup so I think that Maxthon is keeping its cookies in Cookies/Low and IE in Cookies because if I save a cookie in Maxthon for a site, it won't be remembered in IE and vice versa.


Thanks again for your work on the problem.

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I just downloaded the v2.09.600 update of CCleaner and it cleaned my cookies folder without any problems that I've noticed so far so thanks for working on the problem that some of us users were having.


I found this info about IE7 and protected mode where Vista puts IE's files in Low folders so what happens when you use a browser shell like Maxthon in my case is that Vista doesn't run it in any protected mode so the cookies that Maxthon encounters go in the regular Cookie folder. It's great though that I can go back to doing my cookie cleaning with CCleaner so thanks again.


Here's the info I was talking about:

"Windows XP with Internet Explorer 7, the location of default IE cache folder, or more commonly known as Temporary Internet Files (TIF) directory is pretty straight forward. However, it?s not the case in Windows Vista, due to introduction of Protected Mode security feature. With Protected Mode on, IE7 effective running as low privilege process and can only write or read in Low versions of cache folder, cookies folder, TEMP directory, Temporary Internet files directory and recently browsed history.


Unless you turn off UAC or disable Protected Mode for IE, in Windows Vista, most of the cache, temporary files, cookies and history will be stored in special Low version location as below:


Cache: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low

Temp: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low

Cookies: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\Low

History: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\Low"

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