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Registry Scan shows CCleaner items


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I ran a registry scan and 11 items came up all related to CCleaner.The first one was a

'Open with Application Issue' and the next 10 are ActiveX/Com issues. Should I fix all ?

Why would CCleaner items even be there?


I've been using V2.06.567 on xpsp2 for about 6 months - although I've been reading your forum

and learning alot these past months - I'm still an inexperienced computer user.

Any info is appreciated !! Thanks :unsure:

[/size]ntury Gothic"]airgirl
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I ran a registry scan and 11 items came up all related to CCleaner.The first one was a

'Open with Application Issue' and the next 10 are ActiveX/Com issues. Should I fix all ?

Why would CCleaner items even be there?


I've been using V2.06.567 on xpsp2 for about 6 months - although I've been reading your forum

and learning alot these past months - I'm still an inexperienced computer user.

Any info is appreciated !! Thanks :unsure:

Hello airgirl,

Well if you have been around the forum that long,I assume you know enough to make sure the option at Options > Advanced is set to back up registry changes.

I am not sure why these items showed up.At least you can restore them as long as you reply "yes" to back-up your changes.

Why not use the latest version?


Good luck,

:) davey

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Welcome to Piriform airgirl.

I've been using V2.06.567 on xpsp2 for about 6 months

A new version comes out every month or so. You may have been using earlier versions which used CCHelper.ocx, CCListView.ocx, CCTab.ocx, CCTreeView.ocx and CCSubTimer.dll, ActiveX components. ;)



Windows XP 2002 SP3

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Davey - thanks for quick response - I backup all registry changes but these items I did not fix - just

left them there unchecked. I will switch to newer version. Is it better to just upgrade - or should I remove

CCleaner and reinstall? :rolleyes:

[/size]ntury Gothic"]airgirl
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I will switch to newer version. Is it better to just upgrade - or should I remove CCleaner and reinstall? :rolleyes:

If you uninstall CCleaner you will loose all your settings which are normally saved in the registry even if you are using the ini file you will loose that unless you copy it to somewhere else temporarily. With CCleaner 2.06.567 you should have CCleaner.exe, history.txt, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and winapp.ini. If you are using the ini files then you will have CCleaner.ini. If you have any more files in that folder then these will be left over from previous installation. As I said CCHelper.ocx, CCListView.ocx, CCTab.ocx, CCTreeView.ocx and CCSubTimer.dll were used on the earlier versions. ;)



Windows XP 2002 SP3

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If you uninstall CCleaner you will loose all your settings which are normally saved in the registry even if you are using the ini file you will loose that unless you copy it to somewhere else temporarily. With CCleaner 2.06.567 you should have CCleaner.exe, history.txt, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and winapp.ini. If you are using the ini files then you will have CCleaner.ini. If you have any more files in that folder then these will be left over from previous installation. As I said CCHelper.ocx, CCListView.ocx, CCTab.ocx, CCTreeView.ocx and CCSubTimer.dll were used on the earlier versions. ;)
[/size]ntury Gothic"]airgirl
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OK - Thanks Keith - I will update - and I am assuming that I should first go ahead and remove

those CCleaner files that come up in the registry scan (course I always backup the files)

Sorry if this is a stupid question - I have no computer savy! :rolleyes:

[/size]ntury Gothic"]airgirl
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OK - Thanks Keith - I will update - and I am assuming that I should first go ahead and remove

those CCleaner files that come up in the registry scan (course I always backup the files)

What I would do is after you have downloaded CCleaner 2.06.567 just delete all files in the CCleaner folder then install the newer version. That way you have no references to the older version. When you use the Registry section you can save the items removed from the registry to a reg file as a backup. Now I'm assuming you keep all your settings in the registry rather than the CCleaner.ini file? That is normal by default, so if you ever uninstall CCleaner you will loose all your settings, unless your save CCleaner.ini seperately.


There is a Beginner's Guide if your not sure what each section of CCleaner does.

Sorry if this is a stupid question - I have no computer savy! :rolleyes:

No these aren't stupid questions at all, if you don't know you ask. ;)


P.S. Do you happen to use Recuva as well?



Windows XP 2002 SP3

IE 7.0




Rorshach112 is the best

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OK - Thanks Keith - I will update - and I am assuming that I should first go ahead and remove

those CCleaner files that come up in the registry scan (course I always backup the files)

Sorry if this is a stupid question - I have no computer savy! :rolleyes:

Hi airgirl,

You are doing fine with Keith's help.

You just keep in mind to always back-up.


To boost your computer savvy quickly and safely.do the following.

This will start you off on the right path before you get into problems.

To help you in your searches of the forums,try this fun link.


Then you can do a search on "new users advice" including the quotes.


Good Luck,

:) davey

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